April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021


Mandy’s had that entrance for more than a year and she still has no idea what to do during it :lol: she looks great, and is way ahead of what Eva was doing less time, but I wonder what Mandy’s real personality is, cause it’s definitely not being super sultry and sexy, it doesn’t look natural

Her "Entrance IQ" is about on par with Cesaro's. :lol:

One can hear the echo of emptiness when her music hits.
Mandy’s had that entrance for more than a year and she still has no idea what to do during it :lol: she looks great, and is way ahead of what Eva was doing less time, but I wonder what Mandy’s real personality is, cause it’s definitely not being super sultry and sexy, it doesn’t look natural

Klandy the Bizarro Scarlett.
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