April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Ciampa will miss TakeOver NY and could be out anywhere from 6-14 months

Man this sucks :smh:
Damn IT! Ciampa one of this company's bright spots.
I’d bet against Ricochet and Black being used for an actual Mania match since their new. My guess the Andre Battle Royal. But if even if they do that be cool then start on the main roster the next night.

But I’d say why not go with a fatal four way at Takeover? Black vs Ricochet vs Johnny vs Adam Cole.

I would say NXT needs a Gargano run as the champ more than Ricochet. I feel like on the main roster he could but a star for either show, I hope more so for SD than Raw, but Gargano needs that short run for NXT then hand off to Adam In Toronto.
Was out for dinner/drinks last night and then came back home for the Cs/Warriors. Didn't get to watch SD. Saw on IG that Samoan Joe won the US belt though. Actually kinda bummed that my man R-Trizzle dropped the title :lol:

Will have to watch later today.
I’d bet against Ricochet and Black being used for an actual Mania match since their new. My guess the Andre Battle Royal. But if even if they do that be cool then start on the main roster the next night.

But I’d say why not go with a fatal four way at Takeover? Black vs Ricochet vs Johnny vs Adam Cole.

I would say NXT needs a Gargano run as the champ more than Ricochet. I feel like on the main roster he could but a star for either show, I hope more so for SD than Raw, but Gargano needs that short run for NXT then hand off to Adam In Toronto.
O'Shea and Allstar definitely being used in some sort of tag title match on the Mania card. They are being pushed too hard not to, and they are the 2 highest valued NXT guys other than Cole and Velveteen.
Was out for dinner/drinks last night and then came back home for the Cs/Warriors. Didn't get to watch SD. Saw on IG that Samoan Joe won the US belt though. Actually kinda bummed that my man R-Trizzle dropped the title :lol:

Will have to watch later today.
I wouldnt of had him drop the title so soon. The whole thing of Truth growing up watching Cena perform had me dying :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I wouldnt of had him drop the title so soon. The whole thing of Truth growing up watching Cena perform had me dying :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I totally get why they want to get the belt on Joe prior to Mania. Gotta have as many bigger names not in the Andre Battle Royal as possible.

R-Trizzle has been REALLY entertaining over these last few weeks though :lol:
I totally get why they want to get the belt on Joe prior to Mania. Gotta have as many bigger names not in the Andre Battle Royal as possible.

R-Trizzle has been REALLY entertaining over these last few weeks though :lol:
I believe they may do Joe vs Cena at WM because Joe did mention cena name after winning the title.
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