April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

better hope that has something to do with it

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ronda Rousey, Becky Lynch, and Charlotte Flair: This storyline has reached the point of absurdity. Lynch was at the peak of her popularity and fans were clamoring for her showdown match with Rousey. WWE muddied the waters by adding Charlotte Flair to the mix. And now we get Lynch’s weekly Tiny Tim impersonation while the authority figures make her jump through tedious hoops such as obtaining medical clearance, apologizing for her actions, and now signing a hold harmless agreement. Charlotte Flair turned heel. And now Ronda Rousey turned heel. We’ve also been distracted by the actions of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon as creative left us wondering whether they were suddenly decent people or conspiring with Vince McMahon. Speaking of Vince, he got involved by taking away the title shot that Lynch earned by wining the Royal Rumble. All of this would be so much simpler and more effective had they just gone with a healthy Lynch heading into a showdown match with a dominant Rousey. No authority figures, no third wheel, just a simple showdown match between the most popular act in the company and the crossover star who was once known as the queen of pay-per-view. And spare me this tired argument that Flair needs to be in the match because she will make the match quality better. It’s not all about match quality, folks. Imagine if this same logic had been applied to some of the classic WrestleMania title matches. How did they get through Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant without adding Ricky Steamboat to make it a Triple Threat? How did Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior get by without Ted DiBiase? I realize tastes have changed and match quality is more important to fans today than it was back then, but a big singles showdown match still equals big box office. Fans were sold on Rousey vs. Lynch, but Vince McMahon just had to tinker with it and now this storyline has spun completely out of control.
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