April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Is Kayla in the tourney? Bad Moon Rison Bad Moon Rison
After I suggested it

Cot damn that sucks

Anybody notice that now that the WWE has taken control of the Becky storyline, they’ve made it worse (shocking)? Becky is still getting great reactions, but the aura around the storyline is tempered and all over the place. There’s literally zero reason for Charlotte to be involved regardless if she’s a good wrestler.

I love me some Becky, but this convoluted storyline between Ronda/Becky/Charlotte has absolutely killed the buzz of the upcoming Mania match no matter who's involved.

They should have had Becky go away for real and come byke after FastLane. She's all over the damn place even though she supposedly only has one good leg.

WWE does not know moderation at all.
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