April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021


@green rhino123
Case Case

I have Funk as one of my top 5 guys, but I've only really followed his work as a brawler in All Japan and his 89 NWA run.

Crazy how he basically had a whole other career before that in the 70s as one of the best technical workers in the world. I'm going to try to consume as much as I can.

Definitely get hip to his work before he became a fighter..Him and Dory both were great technical wrestlers and both deserve much more credit..While you're looking into Funk's earlier stuff also check out Jack Brisco..Dude was as legit a shooter/hooker as they come..Held the NWA WHC twice for over a year each time..
He will get through this Project Pat!
Sorry to hear man. Keep your head up and prayers to you and your family.
I’m sorry bigpat630 bigpat630 praying for strength for you and your family
Hoping you guys caught it early enough that it’s easily treatable. Let us know how the appointment goes with the doctor. Hoping for the best for your dad.
Sorry to hear this brother BP..We're here for you..
Thanks fellas. It means a lot. Everything I’ve read so far says this is an aggressive type of cancer. Hoping for the best. Dad doesn’t want to be treated any differently right now. Talking to my mom last night hurt so much. But I’m gonna stay as positive as I can.
I've never been a fan of Orndorff..Just couldn't get into his work for some reason..
Never been to Tampa Bae before. Might have to change that.

It's pretty nice..We spent a day there a few years ago while on a family vacation..Walked around downtown and went to the aquarium..Everyone liked it..Seemed like a nice, clean place with plenty of food/bar options..
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