April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

I don’t have Yellow Fever. I like to give Yellow Fever.
I would rather see Muta/Tajiri than NXT

I don't REALLY care about anybody in there right now

Just enjoy whatever show you watching, don't start out any smark chants, don't force feed anyone any crap, don't come out with stories and post them here saying how your coworkers girlfriend made a funny Muta comment and then post what country she from. Then please leave NY ASAP.
When did
Just enjoy whatever show you watching, don't start out any smarks chants, don't force feed anyone any crap, don't come out with stories and post them here saying how your coworkers girlfriend made a funny Muta comment and the post what country she from. Then please leave NY ASAP.
I will come to your house with a bean pie if you keep this up

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