Are athletes overpaid? (debate for class)

May 3, 2007
In my sport sociology class we chose from a list of topics to debate. I immediately picked "Are athletes overpaid?" and I'm taking thenegative position, saying they are not overpaid. Granted this topic is as broad as an ocean because it doesnt specify which sport, USA or whole world, allathletes or just top athletes etc.

I'm choosing to have my group focus on the top 4 major American sports (MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA)

However, I still think there is overwhelming evidence to say athletes are NOT overpaid, including:
1 - Player salaries (minimum and maximum) as well as salary cap and floor are negotiated between the league and the player's union. The pay rates are basedupon giving the players a percentage of all the money the league makes. So say if the NFL rakes in 100 million next year, the players get 60% or 60 million(obviously that's oversimplified).
2 - Supply and demand. This is a free market economy and if a team or the league decides to pay a player millions, so be it.
3 - They aren't just playing a sport. Most athletes are held to very strict contracts that control their behaviors during the season. Few other jobs forceyou to keep in such good shape as most athletes must (this aint no 9-5).
4 - They are often forced to film commercials, appear at events and take interviews with the media according to their contract. If they refuse to talk to themedia when the league tells them to they can be fined.
5 - Short career span. Most athletes retire in their late 30's if they're lucky. After that they have to find another career or hope they investedright.
6 - Physical toll - many athletes suffer mental and physical trauma that they have to deal with for the rest of their lives (see: #3).
7 - Very few players are paid millions like Alex Rodriguez etc. The rest have to struggle with trying to make the roster. How the teams/leagues decide to splitthe money they spend is their business.
And I'm working on more...

What do you think?
Any strong opinions in either side of the debate are appreciated.
id rather give school teachers, police officers, firefighters, etc..... millions to do what they do ... maybe then we can have some honest cops and our youthwouldnt act like such idiots ... but saving someones life from a burning building doesnt sell tickets on sundays so it will never be a reality ... so no, theyarent overpaid, just unlucky to be doing something as pointless as playing a sport
I think athletes are paid appropriately in proportion to the amount of public exposure they have to endure.
Considering how much money they make for their leagues, owners, endorsers, etc., no they aren't overpaid.
Seeing no longer skilled older athletes past their primes making 20 million on the back end of their contracts is always going to annoy me, and plenty of otherthings factor in. But no they are not overpaid in the grand scheme of things. Actors are making 15 mil to make movies. If there is a demand and you possess theskill then you get compensated however the market dictates.

I do wish contracts were shorter in length though as a fan in sports like NBA and MLB.
If anything they're underpaid...

The owners are CAKING off of them and the team
its the indusrty. they make GMs and owners millions so thus they are paid a hefty chunk to maintain those profits.

they are truely the lucky ones though. many other companies make billions and millions in profits but have a employee base of thousands, so they arent paidquite as well. here you have hundreds of elite employee.

if anything blame americans and fans of the sports for being so obsessed with the sports. we give them so much money that in turn, salaries are inevitablyhigher. If we actually cared as much as we do about sports and translate that into other aspects of our public sector, we'd all be better off

Athletes travel to different cities what may be every other day, what they have to do to take care of themselves for their job, exposure on TV, the fame theyhave to deal with in public, etc.

People who work all day come home & watch them, its entertainment for everyone else & the fact these athletes are some of the greatest in the world,they are payed the right way.
In all things being relative, they get what's fair. Though some may not get paid enough with the ridiculous way they live beyond their means.
also athletes work way more than teachers and what not, practicing everyday since they were very young, with no guaranteed money at the end of the tunnel. Ifyou can make it you should get paid.
The question/answer for this issue goes one of two ways.

#1. According to social values and the contribution athletes provide society, are athletes overpaid? According to how they improve the world, are theyoverpaid?

#2. According to the training they go to, the contracted lives they are required to live, the money they make for owners of sports teams, the 'mediablitzed' lifestyles they are forced to live, and the shortened careers most of them experience, are athletes overpaid?

Obviously, most people would answer 'Yes' to #1.

And most people would answer 'No' to #2.

And some of those people will be the same person; there will be people that say 'When you consider their positive contribution to improving humanity, yes,they are overpaid... but when you consider the things in #2, no, they are not overpaid.'
I still, and will always think, that athletes are overpaid. When comparing to other jobs, that people risk their life (firefighters, cops), those guys donteven make 10% of what athletes get.

However, when comparing to the general market of sports, athletes are underpaid. Owners (like one said) cake these guys.

But still. You have people that spend more than 4 years in college, making less than 100,000 to do hard work from 8-5, while athletes are paid a few cool milto sit on the bench. Yes, they still have to practice, but alot of things come down to being paid for game performance. But if you could sit on the bench, andmake a few million, its a damn ripoff.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The question/answer for this issue goes one of two ways.

#1. According to social values and the contribution athletes provide society, are athletes overpaid? According to how they improve the world, are they overpaid?

#2. According to the training they go to, the contracted lives they are required to live, the money they make for owners of sports teams, the 'media blitzed' lifestyles they are forced to live, and the shortened careers most of them experience, are athletes overpaid?

Obviously, most people would answer 'Yes' to #1.

And most people would answer 'No' to #2.

And some of those people will be the same person; there will be people that say 'When you consider their positive contribution to improving humanity, yes, they are overpaid... but when you consider the things in #2, no, they are not overpaid.'

well can run with that for the debate
The same teachers/police/firefighters that think they rightfully deserve more money are the same ones filling the stadiums night after night.

If they want to get paid more lets see how taxpayers are willing to respond.
Originally Posted by Slow Motion G35

23ska909red02 wrote:

The question/answer for this issue goes one of two ways.

#1. According to social values and the contribution athletes provide society, are athletes overpaid? According to how they improve the world, are they

#2. According to the training they go to, the contracted lives they are required to live, the money they make for owners of sports teams, the 'media
blitzed' lifestyles they are forced to live, and the shortened careers most of them experience, are athletes overpaid?

100% true. I'd love to see what our country would be like if the starting salary for an entry level teacher was the same as an bench player in the NBA. Could you imagine all the competent teachers and apt pupils?
Obviously, most people would answer 'Yes' to #1.

And most people would answer 'No' to #2.

And some of those people will be the same person; there will be people that say 'When you consider their positive contribution to improving humanity,
yes, they are overpaid... but when you consider the things in #2, no, they are not overpaid.'

well can run with that for the debate
If you threw college sports into your argument instead of something like NHL, you could include how they are paid with scholarships and stuff like that. Alotof people think they are underpaid so to speak.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

id rather give school teachers, police officers, firefighters, etc..... millions to do what they do ... maybe then we can have some honest cops and our youth wouldnt act like such idiots ... but saving someones life from a burning building doesnt sell tickets on sundays so it will never be a reality ... so no, they arent overpaid, just unlucky to be doing something as pointless as playing a sport

How do you figure their unlucky for playing a sport they enjoy for a living? Nothing unlucky about that. Its a dream for many people. If they have a talentto do something, something that entertains others, then I don't think their position is pointless...
YESS! I love sports but the fact is, these guys are getting paid for childhood games. Nothing more than that. These teachers, firefighters, etc. are sayinglives. You tell me what's more important?
The Knicks are overpaid
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