Are people still having trouble finding work?

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

I have a job. I'm just wondering.

I have a job I enjoy and I make more $$$ than you.

But unemployment in cali is at 12.3%
people are certainly have troublefinding work.
I wasn't boasting, but I can see how it could be misconstrued that way.

I work so much that I don't have time to look at the news, so I went to my #1 news source, NikeTalk.

as a student... even minimum wage part time jobs are hard to find right now. especially because employers are firing all of their holiday seasonal workers
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

I wasn't boasting, but I can see how it could be misconstrued that way.

I work so much that I don't have time to look at the news, so I went to my #1 news source, NikeTalk.

To answer your question,yes it's extremely difficult to find a gig (I'm going through that right now).A word of advice though............i'm notsure what it is that you do,but do it well because these s.o.b's are looking to get rid of a @&!?*%$?!&@% for the smallest thing now! Hell youcough too loud and it's curtains!
Originally Posted by naughtywon

i hope u get fired for some dumb $$+! so u cant get unemployment...
U need a hug brah.

But OP do sound like he boastin he got a gig. I expect a thread about him gettin the axe within the next month for some reason
Yea im still having trouble finding a job,i work at the school for about 20 hours during the week and then i travel to dallas to work at a grocery store forthe weekend,i live in austin right now.
Being a college graduate this spring, I have just begun the journey. Kind of scared to be honest. Might be better off going straight for my masters...
I found a job through

If you're looking, I suggest you get your resume looking really good and post it on in the right section so it gets noticed. Employersare actually looking for employees. Good luck.
Originally Posted by kojinman

Being a college graduate this spring, I have just begun the journey. Kind of scared to be honest. Might be better off going straight for my masters...
This seems to be the route a lot of graduates are taking.

I'm thinking about going back in the fall to get my master's. It depends on a lot of things though.

My advice to you is to get as much schooling as you can because it is indeed hard out there. I had to find out the hard way. No work for six months, rejectedapplications, countless interviews without work, you name it.

Stay in school.
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