Are they selling girl scout cookies right now?

Ive been having the Carmel Delights, Peanut Butter Snaps, and the Thin mints at my house for the past few months. This guy at my dads work is always sellingthem for his daughter I guess.
I need to find out where I can buy these around Rutgers. Bad.
I'm not even high and I got the illest munchies for 14 boxes of Thin Mints.
hah. I just filled out my order form from my niece

I'd buy some for you guys...but you all would most likely flake
One of my co-workers is hustlin for her daughter's girl scout group. She literally approached every employee about buying some cookies. I'm getting 5boxes
Did price increase from last year? I bought a box from my co-worker for his daughter. I have to wait until he fills out the order though. I don't have afavorite I just picked one randomly.
Originally Posted by Eff Ecks

I could go for some of those right now.

Thin Mints FTW
Peanut Butter Snaps Caramel Delights FTW
but Samoas %%$@%
Fixed... and Put in Bold for Emphasis
i can never find these kids in the city i live in. last year my fam had to ship me some boxes. i randomly discovered that dollar general sells knock offs ofpretty much all of their cookies. so it holds me over until girl scout cookie season.
never had somoas/caramel delights, is the coconut noticeable as a flavor? i don't like coconut flavor at all
they sell them on campus here.
they used to sell them online but they stopped for some reason and it sucks when you want to buy them when they aren't selling them.
I had to go to 3 different Publixs before I found some girl that had Do-si-dos, every place had tagalongs but not Do-si-dos.
I finally found them and murked the whole box in two days.
yep, bought some thin mints the other day. they were selling them in front of a target
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