Are Women INTIMIDATED by You? Vol. the Total Package...

Whus good with all the hate in here? Because YOU dont get no play with the ladies doesnt mean the next man doesnt as well... Come on son, some people just gotit like that. I know many guys who do. So I def. know what the op is talking about. Me on the other hand, I'm just too "tough" lookin for a lotof these females. The ones that like badboys talk to me though.
Originally Posted by SlamCity

I know some of you dudes are LYING about being intimidatingly good looking
Otherwise we wouldn't have all these "Girl Problem" threads
I said the same thing. This whole intimating thing is b.s. to me.

If it was true male celebrities wouldn't be bagging so many women.
I just think you haven't met your match yet. One day your gonna meet a girl thats gonna tell you the realist #%@ to your face and she won't give youthe time of day. Thats the chick for you. I need a challenge myself.

But in reality, you most likely are feeling yourself too hard. You may have these experiences with women, but other than looks, there is a reason you make themfeel that way. Maybe you need an older women. Less insecurities for you to deal with...
Originally Posted by br00klynrebel

Whus good with all the hate in here? Because YOU dont get no play with the ladies doesnt mean the next man doesnt as well... Come on son, some people just got it like that. I know many guys who do. So I def. know what the op is talking about. Me on the other hand, I'm just too "tough" lookin for a lot of these females. The ones that like badboys talk to me though.

I'm assuming that wasn't directed at me. If anything, I got TOO many flows

ayo much?

Originally Posted by br00klynrebel

Questionin my sexuality? You might come home and find ya mudda inna de lizard lock position...

And you might come home and find one of your intimdatingly-handsome male friends and end up doing the Baby-Wayne. Butthat's neither here nor there.

It's all love though lol. And I get what OP saying because it happens all the time but it's just crazy how dudecouldn't get to his third post without writing a paragraph about why girls are intimdated by his "total package."
Originally Posted by RellNye

Women are intimidated by my personality. I usually walk around with a
regardless if I'm happy or sad. Being black and tall doesn't help either.

Just smile occasionally and watch them flock to you.
ElderWatsonDigs or watever the %@#! his name is
???? is that you.

that thread was CLASSIC and this one just might be too.
stop riddin ur D, even if its true... u could juss asked ur question n keep it movin.....
Originally Posted by zona0924

Originally Posted by FeeninLikeJodeci

Not to stroke my own ego, but I put a lot of work and effort into my personality and lifestyle. As far as good looking and having a great body...well the chick could be the judge, since in my eyes that $%$% has not importance to me.

I'm noticing more and more that chicks are acting like there not worthy to be with me or act as if I'm unattainable. I met a chick one day, she didn't get a hold of me the next day because I was sick, but she left a message inviting me to go to a concert with her. I had known from day one that she wanted me, but in her message it sounded like she knew I might not come and even said "If your not busy with other girls". I texted that I was sick and she gave up hope...O yea did I mention she bet her friend 50 dollars that I wouldn't call her.

I've had chicks who in the middle of kissing or getting her # would say "but, but why do you like me?". All the chicks in my class see me on the phone a lot and always saying "Is that one of your booty calls?", "Is that one of your gfs?"

The funny thing is, is that the HOTTEST chicks are even more intimidated because there so used to guys treating them like goddesses, as opposed to average and ugly chicks who already has it in there head that they have no chance with me...hahahahahah.

It only hit me yesterday when I bumped into a gorgeous chick who I met about a week or two ago. She's been waiting for me to call for the longest, her family is RICH, and she is super into me and trying to win me over.

This really got me thinking because now if I look back more and more the biggest things I see is...
- I'm larger than life and so confident that they can't handle being around me
- They think there not worthy of being with me because I can get any chick I want
- They act as if they're not interested but I catch them always looking, always listening in and even laughing at the stuff I say

I can go on and on with the stuff I seen, and I want to know if it's chicks get intimidated by guys?


It's bad enough dude riding himself so hard but now you got half of NT talking about they the "complete package."

Agreed. Dumbest post SMH.
this thread is way too funny. Complete package?! Most dudes here earn less than 10k a year
If you have the potential to woo the "BADDEST" chick then whyaren't you smashing? It doesn't take a guy with a total package to pull the baddest chick, you just need some swag. Ego stroking at its best.
Originally Posted by MissKickBack

you just havent met your match yet. trust.
I agree with this statement. Some people very close to me fell to the wrath of some of these woman. They use to be some major pimps, now walk infear and hide things that they do. Straight turned into coward status.
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