Are your standards too high?

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I think my standards are too high because I simply cant find the right girl. I have been told this before by my friends but I just dont think its a problem. Ima good lookin dude, very nice car, smart, and always dress nice. I get mine, but I cant seem to find that girl im lookin for.

If your standards are/were high, what have you done/ will do?

Maybe you're looking too hard for that certain "it" in a chick, a predefined "it".

Instead of finding it as things grow and giving her a chance.

I personally can't get along with alot of the birds round my way on a conversational level....So I put that aside and look for something worthwhile intheir personalities to make up for it.

I don't talk to ugly chicks whatsoever though.. sometimes not even as friends. I feel bad
You need to be able to recognize the right girl instead of the girl that looks right.

How do you know the girl you think is "the one" cares about what you wear or drive? Or are you looking for someone who cares about those things asmuch as you do?
I think my standards are high but I don't think its wrong. I just don't think its wrong to want someone who is smart, funny, loyal, and cute. I feel ifthat's what I'm brining to the table it's not wrong to expect/want the same. If you don't feel someone is going to make you happy don'tsettle.

I don't think its shallow or about not giving a person a chance. If you know what you want you should go after it.
I have a friend like that...this dude doesnt pull chicks and has the nerve to diss cute girls. It'll be the whole crew chillin when a cute girl walks byand this ninja talkin about "
nahhh.. " . Ninja you dont pull no girls &%*$ you talkin bout!
My standards are relatively high but my time of interest is the bigger problem. I get bored easily.
Its not your standards its that your looking. Just let it come to you its a lot easier and you can have all the fun in the world till she does.
I think that everyone is looking for that perfect person they can spend the rest of their life with. So that is why they have very high standards.
You need to be able to recognize the right girl instead of the girl that looks right.
i like that [hurricane chris] Can i get a handclap lemeget a handclap {hurricane chris]
I know what you're saying. I have the same problem.

Just dont get desperate and go for a girl just because of it.
Wait it out for the right one. Im sure she will pop up.

I basically smash em all, but none of them are good enough to keep around.

yea yea, thats how i was.. not really anymore but yea. Im never satisfied.

You need to be able to recognize the right girl instead of the girl that looks right.

I agree with dude.
as you mature and grow older you realize this...
Looks <<<<< Personality, loyality, honesty, etc,

but when you find that girl that has all that and the looks, then sir you are a blessed man!!! I thank God all the time for the woman who will one day be mywife...!!! she is better than I could of ever imagined....
and how can we recognize this "right" girl?
You can't without taking the time to get to know a person and basically giving a lot of people a chance to at least be your friend. It'sso much harder to find the right person if you're quick to write them off for the littlest things.
i have high standards, but not too high. i'm realistic with myself and i don't expect people to bring things to the table if i know i'm notbringing them either.
my standards are pretty sky high, but i mean i look at it as not settling for just any old thing. i'll continue to live like that, even though ihaven't had much success
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

You need to be able to recognize the right girl instead of the girl that looks right.

How do you know the girl you think is "the one" cares about what you wear or drive? Or are you looking for someone who cares about those things as much as you do?
Amen to that.....
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