Are your standards too high?

I think so...which, I think, is why I'm a virgin. Either that or I'm ugly, which is ironic because then I shouldn't be picky at all.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

You need to be able to recognize the right girl instead of the girl that looks right.

How do you know the girl you think is "the one" cares about what you wear or drive? Or are you looking for someone who cares about those things as much as you do?
that was very well put......and I am guilty of the same thing,...
They're insanely high due to the fact I found the perfect woman for me years ago and I can't find anyone who could ever mean the same to me. We'renot together due to professional aspirations, at this point, but nobody could ever be as great as she is.
mine certainly are. i refuse to settle, and i've yet to find a person that i am genuinely interested in having any sort of relationship with.
Yeah my standards are very high, I find it to be high because I've grown up around a woman that has done it all. My mom is a person that can run everythingin my family. Her and my dad are my heroes, so I know I'm not bringing no tramp to this house. It's hard though to find a chick that is well-rounded.Street-smart and book-smart, yet looks good, has loyalty, can make you a mean @ss dinner and can laugh at your corny jokes. Sometimes, I think the days offinding a girl with old fashion values with a small twist of today's culture is gone. I think it's all luck, you might meet a good girl and she canthen one day change and be a bad girl and vice versa. GL though
2 legs

3 holes

I'm game.

...But really i feel i'm one of the good men out there so i need a good woman to match but there are times i feel that i get utterly disgusted in a chickbecause of her past...

Lookin at her with my face twisted up like "You did that?!"

The balance out here us all effed up.

Its even worse when you have loved a person and they passed away and you start thinking about what could've been then you get these skanks in the presenttalkin bout they could turn around and still keep it inside.

My life sucks.
How old are most of you guys replying to this thread? I'm 21, and I'm starting to get semi-lonely because I don't have the same person to go toevery night. It's fun playing the field for a time, but I think I'm ready for a chick that can hold me down. That being said, I have lowered mystandards over the past few years to find her, but no luck. It should not be this hard to find a chick who hasn't had a train run on her, is intelligent,has a job, good-looking, and appreciates me for who I am.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Yeah my standards are very high, I find it to be high because I've grown up around a woman that has done it all. My mom is a person that can run everything in my family. Her and my dad are my heroes, so I know I'm not bringing no tramp to this house. It's hard though to find a chick that is well-rounded. Street-smart and book-smart, yet looks good, has loyalty, can make you a mean @ss dinner and can laugh at your corny jokes. Sometimes, I think the days of finding a girl with old fashion values with a small twist of today's culture is gone. I think it's all luck, you might meet a good girl and she can then one day change and be a bad girl and vice versa. GL though
This is so true.
idk they might be. i mean i like what i like and im not gonna settle for somethin i dont like jus because shes available uhh uhh
My standards are pretty mid if it's a one night thing. Yet they are a lil fluctuating for relationship type.. which is problematic because I've neverbeen in a good one. There is one girl I know who just might be the one for me but I hold it off..
You can learn a lot from this thread..
but when you find that girl that has all that and the looks, then sir you are a blessed man!!! I thank God all the time for the woman who will one day be my wife...!!! she is better than I could of ever imagined....

I had the perfect girl who had exactly everything I've been looking for.
But I cheated, lied, took her for granted and now it's too late..

Being an immature jerk FTL.
It's not that my standards are too high it's that I'm comparing every dude to that one dude but it is hard to find someone equal/on the same level
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Yeah my standards are very high, I find it to be high because I've grown up around a woman that has done it all. My mom is a person that can run everything in my family. Her and my dad are my heroes, so I know I'm not bringing no tramp to this house. It's hard though to find a chick that is well-rounded. Street-smart and book-smart, yet looks good, has loyalty, can make you a mean @ss dinner and can laugh at your corny jokes. Sometimes, I think the days of finding a girl with old fashion values with a small twist of today's culture is gone. I think it's all luck, you might meet a good girl and she can then one day change and be a bad girl and vice versa. GL though

Basically described my girl minus the cooking thing because she hasn't cooked for me yet. I'm gonna try and hold on to her because I know therearen't a lot of chicks that really "get" me and I don't know if I could go back to shallow women with no personality or anything interestingto talk about. I appreciate her more and more each day because I've met some really shallow and stupid women while being in college that just make me fearhaving a daughter in this day and age. People highly underrate personality, when you can talk about basically nothing for hours on end and there be no awkwardsilences you know you got a good thing going on.

My standards physically aren't high all my boys think my girl looks good but its her personality that keeps me addicted. Smart women that are beautiful anddown to earth shouldn't be taken for granted.
It's so much harder to find the right person if you're quick to write them off for the littlest things.
lol...dudes on NT will drop a chick, if they find out she has an ingrown toenail.
My standards are relatively high but my time of interest is the bigger problem. I get bored easily.
my attention span.
. i gotta a million and one things to do and i aint got time to run after some chick. if shedoesnt show me interest by recirprocating mine, i look elsewhere. i let girls know from jump i'm busy but if i like their presentation, i'd make timefor chillin out

my standards are somewhat higher than the average 22 year old. 1. my parents are Caribbean so i see how they went about it. 2. I own my own company so i canthave bums. I stopped talking to a chick recently cuz everytime i'd talk to her, she was high and ran the "I need a good man" script on me. Shortyeventually told me she had a kid. 3. I'm in school and i work. that's the least i could ask for in a mate.

i'm more attracted to older women anyway. not to say it's less BS, but younger girls dont do it for me.unless they're Spanish
Nope, my standards weren't too high. But I did come to realize that I was sticking to "my type" which wasn't good. Really limited my optionsso to speak. Once I broadened my horizons I met my future hubby.
"You did that?!"
i automatically assume the female has had sex before, so that's a moot point for me. i appreciate the honesty from them though.

maybe cuz i let em know that i dont judge em for having sex. I just wouldnt wife any chick cuz that aint what i'm looking for right now. too much emotionalinvestments.
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