Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

[quote name="Mister Friendly"]Might as well not waste your time on internet message boards debating about something that doesnt exist , enjoy life and do you

If I was an atheist, that's what Id be doing.[/quote]Like clockwork, the attempt to quiet or be rid of critics, this time in the form of "If I were in your shoes, I'd be quiet." :smile:

You guys want so badly for no one to openly oppose, expose, and question.

Too bad. :smokin

Addressed these 2 gems on FB earlier, regarding the recent addition of 'In God We Trust' on police cars in Jefferson County:

"Anyone who lives in bible-thumping Jefferson County and has a problem with this should probably just move."

= Get out!" :lol:

Nah. :smokin

"[Y]ou seem to be highly opinionated on every comment that isn't your own. Funny, how we are all supposed to be tolerant. All this passion on Facebook? Your brain must have a zillion things to say about this comment...I bet you a good old fashion American penny that you will comment on this one. And I will bet you another penny that I won't comment back when you do...because I have something you don' is called tolerance. Bahahahaha!!!! :wink:"


"Shut up." :lol:

Nah, not as long as people are persistently trying to infuse an unproven god existence into everything. :lol:

Yes there is a laymans burden of proof on this site
:lol: Is this something you're making up on the fly or could you actually provide evidence of this?

When did NT decide it had it's own layman's version of burden of proof? Are you looking at that as 3 words put together or are we actually talking about the burden of proof? :nerd: Paging Meth

Saying there's a layman's burden of proof is like saying there's a layman's scientific method or there's a layman's pythagorean theorem.

Yes...Theres different schools of thought on whats truly agnostic and atheist
What does that have to do with anything?
The atheist standard line of lack of belief blurs the lines though
Blurs what lines? You either understand or you don't.
Lack of belief is vague
If you don't know what the words mean, I guess.
I'm pretty sure my last dog was atheist
We're all born atheist.

Yes I understood your view point..You don't believe in God

I was saying I like your spirit to laugh it off and keep moving

Like the atheist view point says there's no God

Might as well not waste your time on internet message boards debating about something that doesnt exist , enjoy life and do you

If I was an atheist, that's what Id be doing.

Getting in some yambs> debating what exists
I'm pretty sure this topic has nothing to do with if you're getting yambs or not :lol:
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Wild how Friendly's doesn't understand the burden of truth concept. Ok.I just saw a talking and walking dolphin this morning. Prove me wrong. Anyone
Why does god have to be a big dude in the sky that points his finger to create life? Why does science have to litmus test for what is true and factual? I think both sides in here can't see the forest for the trees.

Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe-a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.

-Albert Einstein
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Nope its the relative truth to how I see the world

If I was an atheist, I would value my time on Earth and feed my ego, to me debating about what exists or doesn't would not feed MY ego

Maybe debating about whether something exist or doesn't exist feeds that persons ego

You know why I'm here... My philosophy on life based on my belief in God and it compels me to let people know God exists.

What compels you? Your personal philosophy or insecurity?

I've never said atheists should get out, keep quiet or we shouldn't accept them. Find me my negative statements towards atheists *Waits for the you wouldn't be as transparent enough to say that.

Yes theres a layman burden of proof is this site.

If I say" Tim Tebow is the greatest quarterback who ever played in the NFL"

That statement is going to get some questioning, with people asking why do think this way, how can you back your statement up...wheres your proof?

I don't have to say this is my claim or this is fact before someone will ask me to "prove" it.

Yes I understand the difference between the agnostic and the atheist. Instead of just saying are you confused, maybe you should write a detailed post about the different types of atheists or agnostics?
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That example has nothing to do with the burden of proof. That's just ppl arguing on a message board.

You're proving again you have no idea what the burden of proof is :smh:

I already told you to watch the vid. You obviously didn't.

I already told you I wasn't going to walk you through this with baby steps. If you don't know what the words mean don't argue them. Go educate yourself before you engage.

I ask if you are confused because your posts read like you're confused on what these words mean or you don't know how to apply their meanings to a discussion properly.

The nerve of you to go back and forth with me, repeatedly say you know what the words mean, and now suggest I post detailed explanations of everything I'm talking about so you could better understand. If you didn't learn it in school or in college it's a good thing you have the internet. Make use of it. If you don't want to do that then that's on you.

Once again I'll point you in the right direction though, it's just a start but if you watch a few of these vids and use your mind, you might get on the right pg.
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But you honestly don't understand that the person making the claim has the burden of proving it is right? And not his audience?
regardless of where you are, who you are talking to, how serious you are about the conversation, basic concepts like the burden of proof stay the same
Pretty clear you're not reading the posts in entirety like I thought.
But you honestly don't understand that the person making the claim has the burden of proving it is right? And not his audience?

His response is the audience can't prove the claim isn't wrong.
Yes I understand the burden of proof

Whoever makes the statement has to prove the statement is true for it to correct

The misunderstanding comes when in regards to beliefs
Word and it's not just that.

You're entire you can't prove the negative is an argument from ignorance. All you've been doing is trying to appeal to ignorance.

Has nothing to do when it comes to beliefs.

A person can believe Allen Iverson is goat. If they make the claim he is, they'd have support the claim with evidence. All you've been doing is saying nobody can prove A.I. isn't goat. Then pushing the goal posts back by then saying you have to accept it's possible. Something being possible is irrelevant. Nobody has disputed possibility.
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The atheist argument is an argument from ignorance just like the believer argument.

You don't know what you don't know
What atheist argument?

Citing the burden of proof isn't an atheist argument. It's a fact.

You're doing it again. Trying to appeal to ignorance by shifting the responsibility on the other end.

It doesn't have to be an atheist bringing up the burden of proof. Any person from any other religion can question you about yours and use the burden of proof. All your reply has been is you can't prove it doesn't exist. That's not proof of anything. You seem to be unable to answer so you just say well you can't do this either.

It really feels like you just looked this stuff up really quickly online but haven't really understood them. You keep saying ____ is an argument from ignorance but I don't think you really know what that is. If you did you'd be able to apply it properly.
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the atheist "argument" is that we dont know

the christian argument is that god did it

this is very simple stuff 
Do you know everything there is to know about life, the universe

Why do you keep dodging my questions when I ask them?

Can you describe the burden of proof in your own words? Argument from ignorance? The word if or claim?
and the afterlife?
There is no reason to believe there is an afterlife but if there is one no I don't know everything there is to know about it.
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The atheist argument is an argument from ignorance just like the believer argument.

You don't know what you don't know
we do not know the answer 

we are not giving an answer

YOU are the only one giving an answer (god)

it's on you to prove that your answer is correct

we dont need to prove anything because we are not presenting an answer
Since you don't know everything there is to know any assertion besides "lack of belief" is an argument from ignorance

If I said God does not exist, that's the traditional dictionary atheist argument. Now I have an position in the argument

Honest thinkers realize now they have a position to defend that cannot be proven due to the nature of the God concept

Thats why its better to answer the question with "the lack of belief" or the no answer...Which would be the traditional agnostic answer

Its now been adapted by the agnostic atheist

I don't think you read my posts, I described the burden of proof in an earlier post
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if you have a box and you dont know what's inside

atheists admit that they do not know what is inside

christians have no idea what's inside but think god is inside just because

the atheist "argument" is that there is not enough evidence to come to the conclusion that god is inside

and to back up your claim that god is in the box you have literally presented 0 actual arguments to why you think this way

which proves the atheist stance "there is not enough evidence to support god" to be correct, since the only way for that to be false is if there was evidence to support god existing 
We have a box

The believer says " Its a Soccer ball in the box"

The strong atheist " Says its not a Soccer ball in the box"

The weak atheist "I don't know, whats in the box but I'm pretty sure its not a Soccer ball in the box"

The agnostic says " I don't know what is the box at all"

They all don't know whats in the box
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