Arrested Development Thread - Season 5 OUT TODAY ON NETFLIX

Through the first 7 episodes now and the one focusing on GOB is the best one so far, might be one of my favorite AD episodes ever. Every joke about Ann worked, GOB in the pajamas stuttering to do his "Come on" was awesome, the "We good" conversation with George Michael was hilarious, and roofie circle might be one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
When did Maeby develop such a heathy chest?!

Or do I need to go to the "people you find oddly attractive" thread.. Would also get down with ann
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This Debrie person
, its really grossing me out.
This Debrie person

, its really grossing me out.
bro! I thought I was the only one, every time they do a close up I'm like :x :x :x
I had to skip through a few scenes :lol: I thought she was 50/60 but she's barely 40 something
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When did Maeby develop such a heathy chest?!

Or do I need to go to the "people you find oddly attractive" thread.. Would also get down with ann

no pedo but when i was watching the old seasons i told myself, maeby looks like she'd be hot when she grows up.

face turned out to be a little underwhelming though.
GOB's first episode had me dying.

Every time that Simon & Garfunkel started playing and they zoomed on his face

"Hello darkness my old friend..."


Mark Cherry ft. John Ralphio from Parks and Rec :lol:

His nickname "Getaway"

He kept singing the song that was about him

"Go away Getaway
stay away Getaway
Get away Getaway"


The roofie circle

Ann can get it

And Maeby has had them thangs for a minute. I've seen them released in a couple movies.
GOB's first episode had me dying.

Every time that Simon & Garfunkel started playing and they zoomed on his face

"Hello darkness my old friend..."


Mark Cherry ft. John Ralphio from Parks and Rec :lol:

His nickname "Getaway"

He kept singing the song that was about him

"Go away Getaway
stay away Getaway
Get away Getaway"


The roofie circle

Ann can get it

And Maeby has had them thangs for a minute. I've seen them released in a couple movies.

This we need to see
Really hits a stride in episode 4 (the second one about Michael).

Episode 1/2 was meh but I guess it was necessary to setup the season, the tone, the story, and some of the recurring jokes.
I finished last night. The ending was a big underwhelming and left me with a lot of questions. Another season maybe? A movie?
Finished all the episodes these past two days and i must say, though it started off slow the ending brings everything to perspective towards the end of the season. I think they purposely left the season finale with a lot of questions to bring up hype for another season.

I think my favorite stories were Gob and Buster.
:lol: no worries, this show has so many jokes that go over your head at first, it's impossible to catch everything
My dude Annyong was done dirty with the $700 tomato juice and Lindsay was hit with that ether by Sally's school president poster.

Can't believe they put that Lucille 2 for Congress banner on the back of the You're Killing Me Buster banner, they truly don't forget anything and every detail is on point
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i'm taking the creators advice and not binge watching. only watching 2 a day max.

so far I've seen 3 episodes. I think it was smart to lead off with michael and George Sr. because they have always been the most essential to the plot moving forward. yes Lucille moves things forward with the company but it's always primarily been behind the scenes.

I had to watch George Sr. episode twice because I was getting a big confused. I'm still not understanding why the ostrich hallucination effected him so much, but everything plot wise makes sense to me now. Not as funny as an episode as michael's but crucial to setting everything up.

Now Lindy's is the one where I was laughing throughout almost the entire episode. I thought it was the funniest of the 3 I've watched so far. And George Sr. was the least funniest but seems crucial to the plot.

Not a fan at all that Seth Rogan is George. Sr. so far. he isnt doing it for me even though he looks the part.. Kristen Wiig NAILED it though so it evens out.

highlights through the first 3 episodes

Michael and George Michael's massive awkwardness.
The buster and Luciele smoking part is one of the funniest things ive seen in the entire series. and I saw that part 2 weeks ago. still so funny.
Lucielle 2 adopting the kid from the spanish soap opera
Tobias thinking a methadone clinic is "method" as in acting
The differences in George Sr. and Oscar without the hair. Jeffery Tambor did a wonderful job.
workaholics reunion
Lindsey leaving a shoe as a tip
The Kelp line
GOB screaming out in disgust. you know he has a sense of propriety :lol:

As for the length the episodes really do feel a bit long. I think I'm just not used to it.

not gonna read any replies until I'm done. Just gonna leave comments every 3 episodes. super scared of spoilers
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workaholics reunion made my instagram...

the black people tipping scene made me uproar in hysterical laughter :rofl:

such a great show 8)
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