Arrested Development Thread - Season 5 OUT TODAY ON NETFLIX

I love it, I love it, I love it. I'm only minutes in and I got a smile on my face.

Rare thing to see one of your favorite shows come back like this and still have all the same qualities and charm.
no worries, this show has so many jokes that go over your head at first, it's impossible to catch everything
you ain't lying, the roofie circle went way over my head, i gotta rewatch everything just to catch all the jokes.
Posted this in the Movie/TV thread too, but..

Finished Arrested Development Season 3 today. :pimp:

It was a little odd too, because for some reason I thought the season had 15 episodes. So when it got near the end, I was like.. "uh, wait, am I done?" And sure enough, I was :lol:. Man, what a mental workout man. This show makes you THINK, and I love that. There are so many things that are interwoven, so many tiny things that connect that you can go back and notice. To even further exemplify that, I paused it on Rita's newspaper clipping in the last episode. If you actually read the article, it explains a lot about what happened with her and revealed some things you may have not understood if you just plowed through without thinking about it. Even had a second article below that read, "TV DVD sales at an all-time high." :rofl: And of course, the "No, I'm not sure about a TV show. But maybe a movie..." :smokin

The whole thing in Iraq stretching the belief a lot, but I knew they had to tie up that storyline somehow. It was just ridiculous is all.

Gonna read up on some of the material you guys have posted and said to watch BEFORE watching Season 4, then going to do my best to really get into it tonight. Will try to get to Episode 5 at least, which many have said is one of the funnier episodes of the entire series. :nerd:

Also, something that shouldn't have blown my mind at all (since he IS a reporter) but started to rewatch 24 Season 5 a little bit today, and the news reporter on the TV is the SAME guy from Arrested Development. Just weird to see.

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That guy was an actual news reporter so I think he just plays himself in shows, he used his real name (John Beard) for Arrested Development.

The way Tobias chokes on "Maebe, your daddy's not going to be around anymore" while eating is hilarious, great line delivery.
Only up to episode 9 and I'm disappointed. There's definitely some great humor but I don't like how it's based on each character per episode. It's an interesting idea and sometimes it worked but it's very predictable and repetitive. Should have shot this like the other 3 seasons.
That guy was an actual news reporter so I think he just plays himself in shows, he used his real name (John Beard) for Arrested Development.

The way Tobias chokes on "Maebe, your daddy's not going to be around anymore" while eating is hilarious, great line delivery.

There's also the gag where he quits all the news programs he's on in Season 4, he was fired from his job in LA after AD was cancelled because he refused to do celebrity fluff stories, and he's bounced around quite a bit in the time since. I think he's currently on the air in Buffalo, NY.
"SHOW STEALER PRO TRIAL VERSION." I finally get it. Cause they "stole" the show (or those scenes, specifically) from Fox. I feel dumb

The real joke behind this is if you've ever watched really old clips of shows on youtube, a lot of times people used trial versions of programs that would watermark the hell out of the video. What they're saying here is that netflix was too cheap to buy Show Stealer Pro for real.

Another touch I laughed at was the netflix interface popping up a bit when they go forward and backward in time.

I'm on my second round of viewing (watched the first from my hotel room over the weekend so I needed the full experience at home) and on the 2nd viewing of GOB's first episode, I noticed that the weatherman in the entourage is wearing a pair of Safaris. It made me feel even nerdier about my obsessive find the joke in every scene habit I have with this show.
The real joke behind this is if you've ever watched really old clips of shows on youtube, a lot of times people used trial versions of programs that would watermark the hell out of the video. What they're saying here is that netflix was too cheap to buy Show Stealer Pro for real.

Another touch I laughed at was the netflix interface popping up a bit when they go forward and backward in time.

I'm on my second round of viewing (watched the first from my hotel room over the weekend so I needed the full experience at home) and on the 2nd viewing of GOB's first episode, I noticed that the weatherman in the entourage is wearing a pair of Safaris. It made me feel even nerdier about my obsessive find the joke in every scene habit I have with this show.

That's the beauty and genius behind AD.
I watched all 15 episodes so some of what I may be saying can be a bit of a spoiler.. so be forewarned

Buster dancing to the fakeblock sound bit got some great laughs out of me... Dude thought he was truly doing it.

George Michael using the corner of the countertop to open his beverage, much like his dad and uncle had done prior, has that special spark that makes AD very special. Everything is related with almost no stone unturned. Then your mind gets blown when you realize what you had seen in a prior episode is not quite what it is made out to be.. ie the George Michael pool scene.
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Also about the shaman... from reddit
Regarding the shaman being Maebe... In the credits:
First off: she man. Obvious.
Even better:
RICH ALIAÄNDANOST, put the first name last and add some spaces and you have ALIA ÄND AN OSTRICH
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The bees! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Steve Holt looking extra unrecognizable :lol:

I'd still smash Lindsey.

I can see now why Hurwitz at first thought the season could be watched in any order with the way he's formatted it differently from past seasons
Only 2 episodes left of this season and I really enjoyed the 2nd GOB, Maeby, and George Michael episodes. From the very first episode I was waiting for them to call back George Michael's Star Wars light saber reenactment and it was delivered. I really enjoyed them also making George Michael do things similar to his dad like the chair leaning and saying " gentlemen start your engines" to Lindsey in the red wig.
I'm like 5 or 6 eps in so I'm fine with being spoiled about this but do we get the family members doing their impressions of the sound a chicken makes again this season? :nerd:

I need that :lol: I'm fine on waiting to see the banana stand again though.
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Anybody else laughing/smirking every time Cinco de Quatro is mentioned?

5 of 4 :lol: Just the sheer ignorance of it all.
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