Arrow TV

Episode was good. I laughed when they walked down the stairs and Slade was there waiting and then fired at them.

The Last 12 minutes :wow:
I need Sarah to recruit the league to help take care of Slade. Starting to think she won't be in season 3. She could go back off with them.
Damb but she went out like a straight up G though

Saw this as soon as the crash happened, still wish it was Thea or Laurel who got murked though

At least we don't have to see that damn lip pimple anymore. :rolleyes
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when slade said "one more left"
hes talking about oliver's kid 
my guess is they will test the cure on roy before using it on slade

as much as i dont think slade will get killed off, oliver is a [{}] for being so soft and never killing anyone anymore
maybe paying a black woman to "abort" her baby would be seen as racist

or just the usual everyone is white in hollywood 
She didn't abort the baby tho, she just hid it from Oliver, so there's a elementary school age Oliver Jr running around out there somewhere :nerd:
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Just watched last nights episode again. It looks like Slade was crying when he was making Oliver choose between his mom and Thea :nerd: I wonder if he's just thinking about Shado or if some part of the old Slade is still down there and is sorry for what he's doing to his friend
Damn. Gave her a million to say she lost it and another millie to move away.

If oli wasn't such a wuss, he should've attached as much c4 as he could to slade a few episodes ago and detonate him to ash.
She did? They blew up a building with him inside right?

On last night's episode she said a bullet to the brain would work against someone on the formula. Should see if Deadshot can get it done.
A few episodes ago Sarah attached some C4 to the guy that they traded for Oliver on the Island so it would explode and kill Slade and Slade smelt the C4 immediately and took it off :lol:
A few episodes ago Sarah attached some C4 to the guy that they traded for Oliver on the Island so it would explode and kill Slade and Slade smelt the C4 immediately and took it off :lol:

You're right. I completely forgot about that. Dude has heightened senses.
I don't think Slade knows Ollie has a kid so Connor ain't the other one he's planning to murk. I think it's Sara. Slade's Army vs the League. That would be intense.
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