Arrow TV

sara jumping out at thea in the club and instantly washing laurel was the best moment of the episode

she stole her stick within 2 seconds and started beating her with it 
Its crazy how Laurel doesn't stay on the Injured Reserve like Greg Oden for vigilantes
It must suck to be laurel. Sara was a better Black Canary and had a better costume too.

Whatever happened to laurel's boxing / fight trainer. I thought dude would be a recurring character and mentor her a little more but he bounced after a few episodes. oli needs to train her so she doesn't keep getting washed by everyone.
Goodness. Sara looks so good in her costume while laurel is looking like a dominatrix that people wouldn't even hire for an 80% discount.

I wish she was staying on arrow and not going on to that legends of tomorrow show.
Sara needs to take back her title so that laurel can fulfill her destiny and become the crimson chin
It must suck to be laurel. Sara was a better Black Canary and had a better costume too.

Whatever happened to laurel's boxing / fight trainer. I thought dude would be a recurring character and mentor her a little more but he bounced after a few episodes. oli needs to train her so she doesn't keep getting washed by everyone.

I'm pretty sure he died in the Glades. Remember the all out brawl, when Sara's little buddy figured out Laurel was the Canary.
Constantine's show ended too early. Hope he appears in Arrow again.

It ended because no one was watching it. I watched 3 or 4 episodes and was getting bored to death. The storylines were just so bland. He's probably better as a secondary character or part of a group.
Sara looking so good.

It's season 4 and felicity is getting even more damn annoying. Her character belongs in a bad soap opera. I wonder when they'll fknally reveal who her dad is.

How was ray video chatting with her? Did he have his tiny cellphone?
Laurel stay being a clown. Felicity is a clown and Diggle has stopped murdering people which I guess is good. How many bodies does Team Arrow have? That team is full of savages and murderers.
The Avengers would have their hands full with these guys. Multiplyin like Gremlins. :lol:

They just need to get Red Hoody and Thea's dad back for a full roster.
oliver shot a bad guy in the back and killed him. If he complains about Sara killing a guy in the same episode, i'll drive to the set myself and smack him.
After this episode I'm torn between who I hope is in that grave from the season premiere. Laurel or Felicity just has to go. Felicity is going to end up kicking Oli to the curve when they find out about his "aborted" son.
felicity is overdramatic for no reason. Saying bs like she got lost in him and visited different countries. You went on vacation with your boyfriend, you bish. That's normal. She's rich anyway and is a ceo now so it's not like she's struggling out there.
Sara was already murking dudes with her gun earlier in the episode, and they get mad b/c she snaps a dudes head off
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