Artist Takes Every Drug Known to Man, Draws Self Portraits After Each Use

"Bath salts" looked like some **** straight out of Ralph Steadman's sketchbook

There's always going to be questions/doubts with art, which will never amount to anything more than speculation
Awesome project IMO
Always wanted to do this.

This gives me the idea to do it and then make a song during each experience.

Definitely especially the Cephalexin part or Keflex as your doctor would call it. I've been prescribed it off and on for a number of years now for a condition I have and I've never gotten high off of it. It does not have the effect of a Valium or Oxy.
i'm calling ducktales

I agree. Maybe he did do the drugs or not. But alot of them seemed kind of expected so I think I he exaggerated or simulated the effects during his painting.

Image of him painting during most of his so called "trips"
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bs on the dilaudid and seroquel or i got a serious problem. :lol:

still was funny though, why didn't dude do crack? that would have been awesome.
thats raw... was it me or was anyone else counting all the drugs they have also taken on that list.. lmao
So basically...dont do ANY of the things where he just flatlined. 

Dude is too good of an artist for this sort of thing though. He would draw something amazing anyways. 

I bet hes dead in a short period of time. Is the body even trained to handle all of that. 
  He can't have done this over a decent span of time.
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