Artist Takes Every Drug Known to Man, Draws Self Portraits After Each Use

All these cats calling ducktales :lol:

There are a lot of people out there that are set on trying anything they can get their hands on, just to try it. I'm not saying I would do this -- I would prob only try half or less of the listed drugs -- but to take something once is almost never going to mess you up permanently. The only things I would be really, really cautious of would be the inhalants (glue, keyboard cleaner).

I'm sure he did it. And for some of these (like DMT which only lasts 15 min or less) he probably made the concept while high or made a sketch or took notes or something. It looks like he put some real work into some of these.
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that's cool as hell for real..I couldn't even think about doing all those drugs I tripped out off smoking weed

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
lmao im sayin

but this was a stupid idea
Damn right same thing im saying, and unless he had that raw dog hollywood and other high grades of those drugs then the effects aren't the same at all, im not even sure if some people would feel 10mg of addy...

:tongue: lol the Bol is a lightweight....he was even taking antibiotics witch is beyond dumb....3 mg of Xanax would do justice if you never did it before, but it looked like the k pins merc'd him and I find bars to be way stronger...perc 7.5s? I wish I got right off that I need 10 of those
Someone's a cool guy! "Nuh uh, I do more drugs than you dooooooo"
Interesting. It's easy to doubt him, but because of the low dosages it's possible he actually painted these while high off said drugs. I doubt dude can finish a painting off of Seroquel or Ambien when given normal/high dosages though. I was given 300mg of Seroquel and it put me to sleep within an hour; and I stayed asleep for over 12 hours. I don't remember the amount of Ambien I used to take but it did the same as well... and when I was first admitted to outpatient treatment they gave me both of these to take. I fell asleep after watching King of the Hill at 7pm and it was hard watching Thursday, Sunday and Monday Night Football without dozing off. I used to take Haldol and Zyprexa as well. Thank God Almighty that I moved out of my parents house so no one is monitoring if I'm taking them or not.

I'm not a drug guy but I would have done everything on that board besides crystal meth, heroin, and bath salts. Especially shrooms!

You shouldn't take Seroquel or Haldol. Its not like these drugs give off a high anyway.
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I don't care what drugs you are on, you don't drastically lose your talent like that, like how do you go from drawling pretty well done pictures to basically stick figures? I mean I'm callin ducktales. Not to mention some of the drugs he did were not in no way shape or form recreational, antibiotics? Duster? Bath salts? Nah b, I'm good
I dig this stuff.

I also think there's no point in calling ducktales unless you feel like "I know drugs, and those ain't drugs." Cool guy.
To each is own. Based on dudes talent I highly doubt that them stick figures he drew were actually how he drew based on what drugs he took. I think he did it for "Lolz"/attention
Indeed very interesting, would've wanted to see him try to duplicate the same portrait every time to see which drugs impair his ability to do it more.
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