Asian Culture Discussion Thread

If you ever been to the airport you know them Chinese fobs be blatantly loud lol. I’m Chinese (Taiwanese but who’s counting...) and the reality is there are people who’d discriminate or feel a certain way about a loud group of kids speaking loudly in another language.

Whether that email was sent out of pure altruistic intent is another story.
Netflix is producing a six episode zombie series. This got potential. Comes out in 3 weeks.

This came out and it's really good. Binged it all today. Recommend checking it out. Basically a period piece where people are fighting to be king while a zombie outbreak is happening.

They released it all at once for some reason. Not sure if that's normal for Netflix productions. Season 2 is already green lit.
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Asian Boss vid feels about right. Doesn't really capture why the older generations had stereotypes. But Korea now is so very different from before, people have such wider world views.
Also, heart signal plays THE BEST songs and it’s soundtrack is awesome.

They play nujabes, DJ okawari, classic 90s rnb, etc

First two songs are solid. I usually get a lot of work done with 80s (Japanese) City Pop playing in the background, so this is up my alley. Throw more in my direction when you can

Last song reminds me of
NY Elite High Schools

This **** crazy. Numbers are expected to jump from 61% of Asian American admissions to 31% with the proposed changes to admissions.

So apparently the way it's going to work is by taking the top 7% of individual middle schools (not sure how it's decided which ones are applicable) which doesn't sound that bad. Still lowkey sus af to make systematic changes when Asians are dominating but I don't mind the actual policy (if that's all it is). Seems like this system could help some of the poorer students.
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Would there be any admission changes if white people were the overwhelming majority?

Definitely not. And you know they tinker with the policy until they get the projected numbers they want so it's not like they just decided the most fair policy and went ahead with it. The way it works out, only Asians take a huge hit.

Basically a political move that allows him to get political points from Latino and Black communities at the expense of only Asians (who are non-political, poor, and a significant amount don't even speak English in NYC so the political blowback is minimal). He doesn't want to alienate the more vocal white voters and families in NYC, additionally he might be running for president so him having any type of history that targeted white families would basically kill his chances. He would never make such a drastic change if it were white people in that spot.

I don't hate the change itself, but the way our community is being gamed politically is pretty transparent.

Are these Elite Schools public or private ?

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Not sure what to think about the elite high school admission changes. I do know Stuyvesant's principal. He was one of my high school teachers back in the day. Very good person, cares about his students. He's in a tough spot here. His kids went to Stuy and he's also Latino. On paper, it doesn't seem unfair to look at test scores as well as overall grades.

The demographics for these schools don't reflect NYC. That's the issue here. And the Asian community have cornered the market on prep for the elite school admissions tests. But again, I don't know what the right answer is here.
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