Asians want $4 Billion from miley cyrus

Jan 17, 2009
i dont think it was posted yet but i searched around, anyways some asian chick named lucie J. Kim sued miley cyrus for 4 billion, the lawsuit represents morethan 1 million asians from the L.A County lol. the reason why shes being sued is because of the picture below she mocked asian people by slanting her eyes.
people get sued for anything now a days.



Edit: Sorry forgot the link.
i was preparing a brilliant response to uplift you from the belief of tyrannic behavior nSayne.jjb then i see that your new lol

its not that serious i see people getting away with a lot worst
Originally Posted by drsfinest72

people get sued for anything now in days.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I always thought it was "now a days"
This is ridiculous. Let the girl just be a little immature high schooler like she should be.
I find it hilarious when people automatically jump to assume a reference is in regards to color. It's like if I were to post a pic of a black chick and yousaid "look at those lips" and the next black guy's response is. "I'm tired of racist people always saying we have big nasty negro lipsand that we don't work. I'm not even a good dancer but every where I go and yada yada yada"... Who said all of that?
. Peopletake their own connotations too far sometimes. That pic looks more like "We're getting drunk and high... let's take a pic with low eyes!"than "Let's insult Asians by doing the slanted eye thing!"
1. It is indeed Now a days... Or now-a-days. Another case of NTer's war against the english language.

2. That is clearly a racist immitation of asians. Yes, if i said an african american female had "nice lips" it could very well be a honestcompliment, but if I painted my face black and proceeded to imitate "black males", it crosses a fine line. Does some random asian chick deservemillions because some brainless broad made "asian eyes"? No. But does this just prove further that Miley Cyrus is a brainless moron? Indeed. Bottomline though, will that hurt her sales? I'm sure no.
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