Asians want $4 Billion from miley cyrus

at Miley Cyrus

at the idiot(s?) who think they can surefor this.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

I find it hilarious when people automatically jump to assume a reference is in regards to color. It's like if I were to post a pic of a black chick and you said "look at those lips" and the next black guy's response is. "I'm tired of racist people always saying we have big nasty negro lips and that we don't work. I'm not even a good dancer but every where I go and yada yada yada"... Who said all of that? . People take their own connotations too far sometimes. That pic looks more like "We're getting drunk and high... let's take a pic with low eyes!" than "Let's insult Asians by doing the slanted eye thing!"

Making the slant eye gesture has been around for a hundred years and historically, it has been used in a racist connotation towards asians. On the other hand, what you're saying as an alternative, is a huge reach. Yes what this dumb broad is doing is absurd...suing her for $4 billion, but in no way is she taking the connotation too far.
I'm not saying I don't believe it was a racist gesture, I'm saying that people jump in frontof the bus more often than the bus jumps the curb. It's one thing to say, "the bus hit me" and a totally different thing to say "Give me$4billion for standing in the street and asking to be ran over". With no other reason to assume the gesture wasracist, this chick chose to feel targeted in order to garner a big pay off. Once again, that's like seeing this pic:


and suing him for being a racist skin head. Sure, he may very well be racist, IDK and neither do you, but he's bald because he has leukemia. That's thepower of assumptions. There is no EVIDENCE that she meant anything racist with those gestures, even though I think she may have. Yet and still, there are people lining up to stand in front of the gun just to get shot for a fee. I don't feelsympathy for those people.
at the people saying that it wasnt racist. This was obviously racist lol. That being said sueing her is a reach.
I just don't think some people are ready for the world. How are you gonna be so sensitive to something as petty as that. I honestly think that lawsuitinduced an even more negative image of the Asian community than it was. We've been trying to shake off that image that we are meek and small but doingsomething like this just makes us seem more so. They're taking all the wrong steps.
This is ******ed.

Can't blame them tho since people are trying to get money from anywhere they can nowadays.

I honestly think that lawsuit induced an even more negative image of the Asian community than it was. We've been trying to shake off that image that we are meek and small but doing something like this just makes us seem more so. They're taking all the wrong steps.

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

I just don't think some people are ready for the world. How are you gonna be so sensitive to something as petty as that. I honestly think that lawsuit induced an even more negative image of the Asian community than it was. We've been trying to shake off that image that we are meek and small but doing something like this just makes us seem more so. They're taking all the wrong steps.
completely disagree...but that's your opinion.
Originally Posted by cucumbercool

Originally Posted by 2wenty thre3

what about the asian guy in the picture who doesn't even care
Yeah. It makes no sense. The ONLY person that would be able to sue in this situation would be the Asian kid. No disrespect intended, i found it funny almost everyone slanted their eyes but the Asian seemingly opened his wider.
I think Caucasian people have a case here

By the way if the Asian population was truly serious they would seek monetary retribution from ALL of the kids in that picture, minus one, because they did it as well.

you're the only one that i saw point that out. i also noticed that kid seemed to open his eyes wider. looks like they're making fun of thestereotypes more than the people. me and my friends joke about ethnic steretypes all the time. no doubt if some of our conversations were made public, a lotof people would be crying and wanting to sue. bottom line is that the asian kid in the pic is the only one who really knows what the racial tone was. how issomeone that wasnt there gonna sue the one famous person in the pic? i'm black, but sometimes people go to far with crying racism.
Who the @%%$ thinks that ***% is funny?I hope they win thelawsuit.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

I just don't think some people are ready for the world. How are you gonna be so sensitive to something as petty as that. I honestly think that lawsuit induced an even more negative image of the Asian community than it was. We've been trying to shake off that image that we are meek and small but doing something like this just makes us seem more so. They're taking all the wrong steps.
completely disagree...but that's your opinion.
sitting back and letting this type of behavior deemed acceptable in this media would give off the image as being meek and small imo. whatthey're trying to do is stupid but at least they're letting 'em know that this type of behavior shouldn't really be tolerated in this day andage. shoot they might as well go after the Spanish basketball team.
why not just halt production of all that Hannah Montana gear, show Disney whos boss
Even though I had double-eyelid and didnt really have slanted eyes(more almond shaped) my white friends would love to take pics of them doin slanted and me opening my eyes more. This was in elementary/jrhigh though. I seehow other asians can get offeneded if they got crap for their eyes their whole life. Ya their young but sometimes you gotta think before doin stuff like that. miley is a celeb and all.
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