I miss old NT when I used to browse and dudes was on tagged, pof etc telling these thots “ can I hit loser?, now we got people struggling to get a female. That’s what happen I guess when the M5 and get money stop being the staple troll answer of NT lol

Okay guys I need some input. Some input. Check this out. Theres this girl that I've been apprehensive about talking to for the past month or so. I couldnt tell if she was interested or uninterested but today I made my move. So I'm going go through the minutiae of the scenario and yall tell me what yall think. Okay so I said "how you doing" she said "Im fine how are you" So I stopped her again as if I was...ugh... inaugurating proposal (which was we get to know each other). And she said "I dont got time" and I said "I know I know just let me talk to you for a quick second" So were walking together and talking she asked me my name and I told her. Then she asked me age. I asked her age and then I went on about my business to go do my work as she went to do the same. Fast forward 4 hours and 23 minutes later, I catch her before lunch. As I'm approaching her she says "what's up" I say "what's up" I asked her name and she told me. She asked me my name (again, red flag) and I told. I shook her hand and she said nice to meet you. So asked her "how was her flight" she had dubious look on her face and asked "what flight?" And I said "You know, your flight, because you obviously flew from heaven to here so how was it? Any turbulence?" She laughed (I want to say blushed but I couldnt tell). So then I said "Hey listen. I know you're here just to work. The last thing you probably want is a horde of hungry horn dogs salivating over you). she laughed. I told I her I was interested in her and I liked what I saw. Then told her if shes uninterested that cool (she looked like she was say something like "what makes you think I'm uninterested" while smiling but I kept talking" but if is interested not to deprive herself and that it's okay to indulge in a chocolatey decadence from time time (referring to myself. She laughed). She asked me if I had kids and I said no. But she didnt ask if I had a girlfriend. I asked her if she had kids and a liability *cough* I mean boyfriend and she laughed and said no. I also told her I dont have a car and I still live with my mom but that didnt seem to bother. After a few more word she said "you can write your number" and I replied "I dont have a pen" She grabs her phone and locks me and said we'll be in touch. Oh yeah she interrupted me to tell me I smell good. But yea to encapsulate

- She seemed interested. She was facing me. I got her to laugh and smile alot. She has my number but I dont have hers.

What do yall think??? Is she leading me on or did seem interested and yall I get a text or something. Now I dont expect anything within these next 3-4 days or so. But yea talk to me yall. I mean I'll be honest I'm fairly unattractive guy. I'm kinda charming when I want to be and while I'm no genius or half of that I'm definitely no dummy. Since she has my number should I still talk to her when I see her?? I'm not going to press her about texting or calling or whatever. I might be a square but Im not lame. Yall think she played like she was interested to lead up to me giving her number so I could just get away from her??? Talk to me TAY gods please.
Man I got so confused when reading the flight line and re-read it again to see if y’all were in a airport.

Just go on a dating app and ****.

Plenty of ugly women like you that will enjoy another ugly person around. You’ve come to accept your ugliness and I respect that. You know your lane. Most ppl who not smashing aren’t only not good with women, but not good with anybody. Most likely have small circle and doesn’t socialize much. Get that down and they’ll be around.
Google how to make small talk sexy and spend the bread bruh. Get you some professional help do you can sustain the game. Whip it out and make sure ya **** is circumcised.

Unnatural! ninjahood ninjahood school NT again
Lockheed Lockheed fo real
Slide into layziegunts layziegunts DMs for advice and soak up everything he says like a sponge.
You too can be slaying high quality poon like Da Gunts.
Remember be like the Gunts and You’ll Get In Dem Guts!!!!
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