Ask a Guy Who Got Circumsized Today Anything vol. IT'S DONE!!! UPDATEpg16

When we drew meat in people‘s year book, we drew meat as we see. Thr mushroom cloud laying. We didnt draw asparaguses. In PE and all growing up, we all understood that the dude next to us had the same mushroom. An aspargus meat was exotic.

That's fax tho
I assumed that all meats were the same til I found out later on that some cats got the full zip bape shark hoodie jumpoff

One day in history class, cats was talking **** about how they get the most girls. Then somehow a side argument came about and these 2 cats started arguing about who's meat is bigger. Somehow, son was able to unlock and unbuckle his desk's seatbelt and he stood up and pulled his pants down infront the whole class. Son got kicked out of school
You're climbing up my swag list, brah.

Seeing this thread bumped.:wow: :lol:
Nah. I had it done @ 17 and I missed one day of school. No mo cheese

Funny story: I was playing hoop a week after getting snipped. The bandage and wrap must have fallen off my dink and out of my shorts. Some dude picks it up not knowing wtf it is, studied it, and starts asking everyone on the court if it's theirs.

Gave him the ol
I couldnt do it. Never had a girl trip that I wasnt except my ex did tell me she preferred uncircumsized when giving head but that was the only female. I guess im partially circumsized now though cus one time me and my ex were having sex and she was riding it hard. She wasnt completely wet yet and it pulled my skin back pretty far when she sat on it. It hurt real bad but I didnt say nothing and let her finish. When I pulled out there was some blood and I thought she mightve started here period. I was wrong. I pulled my foreskin back and blood started pouring out. Ripped half of my foreskin. 
 She wanted it all the time and only let me heal for like 2 days then wanted some more so we did it and it ripped again.
No rainbow, but my boys uncircumcised joint has hella for skin!

Like he has to pull it back to pee!
His joint legit looks like a glad trash bag when you pull on the loops... Ol anteater type dude

I'm not cut but you can still see the head of mine flaccid

Some People have more foreskin than others
If you google it, there is a chart

On a scale of 1-10
0 being cut
10 looking like the tip is melting

Google it guys
I was circumsized during the summer of 4th grade and bragged that **** to other kids. We used to ask each other if we were circumsized and if you cant answer with a straight yes then everyones gonna clown you, if you got clowned being uncircumsized even if you are then you have to show your **** to prove it. No homo! Nobody in the phil is uncircumsized when they step in college thats why i was shocked about this thread lol
bravelude is mentored by Fleece Johnsons youtube videos. 
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Ain't nothing gay about looking at another mans meat. Honestly, it depends on the sutuation. IF ya mans just lost his virginity to some freak ho, and he runs to you and says his **** is looking weird, yall wouldnt check it out for him? IF that's my MANS, I'd take a look and give him a diagnosis.

Yall cats acting like yall parents never had yall take a shower with ya blood relative to save money on utilities in tough financial times (as kids under a certain age)
Ain't nothing gay about looking at another mans meat. Honestly, it depends on the sutuation. IF ya mans just lost his virginity to some freak ho, and he runs to you and says his **** is looking weird, yall wouldnt check it out for him? IF that's my MANS, I'd take a look and give him a diagnosis.

Yall cats acting like yall parents never had yall take a shower with ya blood relative to save money on utilities in tough financial times (as kids under a certain age)


this is truu
Ooooohhh ok so two 5 year olds bathing together is the same as grown *** men asking eachother to pm **** pics. MY BAD! What was I thinking? Carry on with your deviant behavior.
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