Ask A Hedge Fund Fraud

no. you gave it to someone else
Yo. Can you pay my tuition and i will return 20% of my profits of whatever job I get after i graduate???
I'm too poor to pay for school yet the government thinks im too rich to receive financial aid.

NT never fails with the lulz
Do you have any tips for trading AAPL on Friday around the max pain? If you can't or don't want to answer, I understand. Thanks.
Do you have any tips for trading AAPL on Friday around the max pain? If you can't or don't want to answer, I understand. Thanks.
I was not available to answer during hours. However there is good news. I have one stock recommendation i will give within this thread. I expect a 20-25% return on the trade. I will post the write up later this weekend.

As for AAPL, you have likely missed it bullish run. 710 is where i feel resistance will be. If your nimble you can short, however i would not try it as the hype of iphone 5 is still buzzing and the expectation of ipad mini. You should get a sub 700 buy in; likely around 680.
Yeah check it out, I will start posting more stuff on the Blog and if i can get approval i will give a trading idea from entrance point to exit point next week.
Appreciate the continued insight and the blog, brotha. Tracked and currently following from now on.
  1. building a book as an FA depends on how good you are and a lot of luck. If people naturally like you and are willing to give you money it can take you 5+ years. it took me 2 years to build a 5MM book (praise the lord... I certainly don't think I did it myself) I generally takes 5 plus years for people to do this.
  2. networking is not ***** talking its an acquired skill of getting people to trust you though they do not know you well. Its being tactical in how speak and know what to say when and knowing when not to say to much. Its being a ethical confidence man in a way. (I should cover this in detail on the blog)
  3. what you need to survive, a steady paycheck, patience, confidence, a nice car (meaning something that makes you look like you have made money) proper speech and diction, supportive friends (especially a girlfriend) a propensity to be able to accept no but a tenacity to bounce back and keep pushing.
  4. People who I recommend are those that want to be rich....this is not a business for those that do not want to be rich. its a waste of time if you don't want to cake off. People who are lazy and don't like to ask for money, need not apply. Rich people are not d!cks, you just are not presenting yourself well or you and that rich person do not mesh. In this business you tend to do business with people that are similar to yourself.
Don't change your career unless you want to bust your ***, the money does not come easy but when it comes, you will be making stupid money. most I made as a broker in 1 month was 25k net...I used to avg about 4.5-8k a month. This was in my 2nd year. I'm an acceptation though, i just seem to understand the business.

Good Luck man
Were you a FA at a RIA or a major wirehouse? Just asking since wirehouses these days will not even let you graduate from the training program with less than 30MM. During your stint as an FA, what was your strategy in gathering assets? Was it the traditional cold calling, seminars, or did you already have an existing network?

Also, do you currently trade stock or options? I've been trading options for over a year and one of my major problems is on the fake out pullbacks. Do you have any advice on what indicators I should look at for the fake outs?
Were you a FA at a RIA or a major wirehouse? Just asking since wirehouses these days will not even let you graduate from the training program with less than 30MM. During your stint as an FA, what was your strategy in gathering assets? Was it the traditional cold calling, seminars, or did you already have an existing network?

Also, do you currently trade stock or options? I've been trading options for over a year and one of my major problems is on the fake out pullbacks. Do you have any advice on what indicators I should look at for the fake outs?
I have been an FA at a wirehouse and an FA at smaller shops.

During my stint as an FA I gathered assets by cold calling, networking, seminars, and managing all my families money (immediate, extended and their friends).

Yes i currently trade stocks and options. It seems since you are having this problem on pull backs because you are miss managing your options positions. What kind of options strategy do you use and how do you go about managing it?

One bit of advice I always look at is the support and resistance of the underlying option. I prefer to buy options on stocks that will soon break their 50 day moving avg.
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How do women react when you tell them your profession ? (Assuming you are a straight male, no offense if you are not)
How do women react when you tell them your profession ? (Assuming you are a straight male, no offense if you are not)
lol, most women dont even know what the hell it is I do after i tell them. Some just know hedge fund guys make money. I really get no reaction. I do get asked from women the stupid question of, "how do I get rich?"
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lol, most women dont even know what the hell it is I do after i tell them. Some just know hedge fund guys make money. I really get no reaction. I do get asked from women the stupid question of, "how do I get rich?"

:lol: I was going to assume exactly just that.
I want to know, what is the best way to learn to trade currencies? Which books or websites are a must in your opinion?
I see a lot of great traders and investors that remain independent, what are the biggest reasons why they do it on their own rather than start a hedge fund?
I was going to assume exactly just that.
I want to know, what is the best way to learn to trade currencies? Which books or websites are a must in your opinion?
I see a lot of great traders and investors that remain independent, what are the biggest reasons why they do it on their own rather than start a hedge fund?
what is your beginning skill level, like how much do you know right now? This will give me an idea of what to recommend.

Mots great traders stay independent because like many people in this world they lack the ability to take responsibility for others money. Many great traders also lack social skills and are too analytical and unable to attract client money. A good return on your trading does not guarantee you clients. Clients come from people liking you, trusting you, and believing that you will do what you say. A client wants to be lead. Most good traders are not leaders in the traditional extroverted take charge way. Good traders do tend to be type A personalities though.
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what is your begging skill level, like how much do you know right now? This will give me an idea of what to recommend.

Mots great traders stay independent because like many people in this world they lack the ability to take responsibility for others money. Many great traders also lack social skills and are too analytical and unable to attract client money. A good return on your trading does not guarantee you clients. Clients come from people liking you, trusting you, and believing that you will do what you say. A client wants to be lead. Most good traders are not leaders in the traditional extroverted take charge way. Good traders do tend to be type A personalities though.

I am Almost completely new to currency trading. I have been studying and trading the stock market for 3 years mostly using technical analysis. I don't use any indicators besides simple moving averages. Based on the little bit that I've read, it looks like indicators like the MACD and stochastics are almost a must in currency trading?

So you believe a happy medium between type A and B is ideal for most hedge fund managers? It sounds like falling too far into type A is better than type B.
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I am Almost completely new to currency trading. I have been studying and trading the stock market for 3 years mostly using technical analysis. I don't use any indicators besides simple moving averages. Based on the little bit that I've read, it looks like indicators like the MACD and stochastic are almost a must in currency trading?
So you believe a happy medium between type A and B is ideal for most hedge fund managers? It sounds like falling too far into type A is better than type B.
Type A usually does not get good clients. They usually get disloyal clients or are unable to amass many cleints. Most of these types of managers end up getting others to find assets for them.

As for what to do to trade Forex. I would say start from the ground up. immerse yourself in it by
  1.  getting a kaplan book and a test prep. Learn the rules and the basic. Test yourself on that and see if you could pass forex exam.
  2. Get a practice forex account
  3. read about forex strategies that you learned in the introduction book....this will give you a more complete understanding about MACD and Stochastics
  4. The tutorials on this website helped me also....
  5. if you have the free time, take a class on the subject if you live next to NYC or any big city where financial markets are big.
These are the steps I took
Type A usually does not get good clients. They usually get disloyal clients or are unable to amass many cleints. Most of these types of managers end up getting others to find assets for them.

As for what to do to trade Forex. I would say start from the ground up. immerse yourself in it by

  1.  getting a kaplan book and a test prep. Learn the rules and the basic. Test yourself on that and see if you could pass forex exam.
  2. Get a practice forex account
  3. read about forex strategies that you learned in the introduction book....this will give you a more complete understanding about MACD and Stochastics
  4. The tutorials on this website helped me also....
  5. if you have the free time, take a class on the subject if you live next to NYC or any big city where financial markets are big.

These are the steps I took

Indicators are almost counterintuitive to me because I learned from William O'neil's book to not use them. What do you think about trading currencies using trend lines, chart patterns, and price action?
Indicators are almost counterintuitive to me because I learned from William O'neil's book to not use them. What do you think about trading currencies using trend lines, chart patterns, and price action?
I prefer trends and chart patterns. I know how to reference indicators, but I like to just pick up spreads and close my positions. If i can really get a trend down pat, and i do level 1, and 2 confirmations that the position will go the direction i wan, i bet big and close the position within 15-45 Min's.
I was not available to answer during hours. However there is good news. I have one stock recommendation i will give within this thread. I expect a 20-25% return on the trade. I will post the write up later this weekend.

As for AAPL, you have likely missed it bullish run. 710 is where i feel resistance will be.

i see articles of "AAPL to $1500" and "AAPL a 4 digit stock" but they really need to push out a new product. Something completely fresh. If so, with their P/E, it's possible to go up.
i see articles of "AAPL to $1500" and "AAPL a 4 digit stock" but they really need to push out a new product. Something completely fresh. If so, with their P/E, it's possible to go up.

I'd like to hear Gold St's take on this. But for a while I've believed fundamentals do not mean all that much. LNKD and AMZN's prices do not make sense from a fundamental standpoint. Price is based on supply and demand and what the market and especially what the big institutions are willing to pay for them. With that said AAPL goes higher, it's just time to shake out the weak hands.
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