Ask A Hedge Fund Fraud

Oh because I am saying you I am ignoring everyone else? Nope I am stating a facts which many of you are not stating

Brolic, u called what? That I don't have a fund and I'm BSing then what did you do tell me how your money is funny in insurance and how to network I answered you. Old man I employ people like you to do my audit once a year. I have people that will be your boss when you get that big account job calling me to get my fund audit and admin business. But why put you down or have ill things to say. You still going to use my networking tactics. Asking me that question for how to get to the money while you had reservations only made you my son.

I have spoken to so many if you, look at so many of your business plans, forwarded your resumes for jobs. Etc...

The expose there is none. You go in my LinkedIn... Oh u got me it matches what I said I did. Since I am a registered broker you can of course see my employment history and what does it show? I worked and went to school at those places.

I am scamming yet in superB's profile there is a thread about high interest investments in which he speaks of knowing that the investment he is advising on can be a known Ponzi scheme... Smh

Oh am def rocking tom ford. And it ain't 3k for the made to measure with my name and initials all in it. That blue one you see is 10k alone. Go price one out many of you are good at doing that.

Making up stories of how I'm a white collar criminal, well where is the my court docket. Straight libel

Not one of you here can say I scammed you or took something from you. If anything I have you more info than I received but that was my mistake for even acknowledging many of the emails.

The fact still remains my everyday car is most of your fathers dream car. I could stunt with stuff all day, every day but what will it matter? Y'all just going to try and stalk me. Ask me prove more then come looking for me to meet me and say what? Nothing just like you do when you call my office.

Ask yourself this? What did most do from 7am to 4pm likely watch this thread go on my LinkedIn and punch your clock. By 11am I made 15k. But I digress continue with the fodder
Well if nothing else this dude confirmed hes a d bag.
So dudes forgot about ol' boy in the RR thread who said he does marketing for GSC?

Or we taking that as every day trolling?
Has he even received the RR yet? When I spoke to him when the thread was first created he said it'll take a while to have everything made to his specifications.

And jw, if you call the dealership what makes you think they'll tell you anything about their customers/employees
Has he even received the RR yet? When I spoke to him when the thread was first created he said it'll take a while to have everything made to his specifications.

And jw, if you call the dealership what makes you think they'll tell you anything about their customers/employees

Depends on what you ask honestly. Tell them you're a debt collector or doing a background check of some kind and you can get info pretty quickly.

Doesn't work everywhere or with everyone obviously.
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Has he even received the RR yet? When I spoke to him when the thread was first created he said it'll take a while to have everything made to his specifications.

And jw, if you call the dealership what makes you think they'll tell you anything about their customers/employees
Bro you have consistently failed to examine details and use common sense to connect the dots throughout this whole ordeal. I thought you were a little naive at first but you're sounding pretty ignorant right now.

FYI the personal cell number is listed for Kareem.
Bro you have consistently failed to examine details and use common sense to connect the dots throughout this whole ordeal. I thought you were a little naive at first but you're sounding pretty ignorant right now.

FYI the personal cell number is listed for Kareem.

I'm just playing devil's advocate and going against the mob at this point.
FWIW, he wasn't here for outright fraud imo.. At least not in the sense that everyone is alluding to. If that was the case, he could've nickled and dimed followers left and right. I also don't think his hedge fund is aimed at duping unsuspecting investors. His position in this world and the steps he seems to take in that endeavor, would almost purposely preclude that from blowing up, unless it was a veritable snatch and grab.

Dude has alluded to the fact that he was a longtime lurker, and its obvious he's been through various stages of successes and failures. He got to a point where he was making financial inroads to a degree and he needed immediate validation. So he came here out of the darkness, to seek this out.

Aside from that.. if you read deeper, there is a reason you approach a community of individuals offering something for nothing(advising). And it isn't always a money grab.. at least not in the place you would think to look first.

My cents is, where there is no harm, there is no foul. Were all pocket experts on a number of different topics on this board. His failure came by attaching a passive attributed worth, to each of his postings. However, some of whats being proposed towards op, and associates.. is a bit out of bounds imo, as this could be any one of us. Just most of our imperfections are much better hidden.
So dudes forgot about ol' boy in the RR thread who said he does marketing for GSC?

Or we taking that as every day trolling?

So dudes forgot about ol' boy in the RR thread who said he does marketing for GSC?

Or we taking that as every day trolling?

Who was that?

[kurupt] callin out names [/kurupt]

So dudes forgot about ol' boy in the RR thread who said he does marketing for GSC?

Or we taking that as every day trolling?

Who was that?

[kurupt] callin out names [/kurupt]

He thought he was about to skip out the house like Samuel L Jackson in the final scene of Django.

Oh, y'all talkin about this fool?

"Smh this is why NT can't have nice things.

I handle marketing for the fund and I can assure you OP is very legit and the money is very real.

But you guys have taken this a bit too far with the addresses and such. This thread needs to be locked and deleted." - [d 2 the lo]

I thought he was trollin based off the "d 2 the lo" screen name but nope, he's whipping the RR & Porsche as well :rolleyes
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phen0m phen0m

i get what you're saying, but the harm and foul is when he's sitting here telling dudes "i drive cars you dad wishes he could" or "i wonder what you'll be doing tonight reading this thread while i deposit 1 million" or "by the time you get to work and punch in, i make 15k". ain't no room here for that garbage.

having money doesn't make you a better person than another. it doesn't make you greater or lesser. it just simply means you have more money than someone else.
phen0m phen0m

i get what you're saying, but the harm and foul is when he's sitting here telling dudes "i drive cars you dad wishes he could" or "i wonder what you'll be doing tonight reading this thread while i deposit 1 million" or "by the time you get to work and punch in, i make 15k". ain't no room here for that garbage.

having money doesn't make you a better person than another. it doesn't make you greater or lesser. it just simply means you have more money than someone else.

Also, do we know if any NTers gave him money? Forgot which dude said it, but he alluded to the fact that another NTer about to invest something like 25k w/ GSC.
If you're a multimillionaire and you have to come to a forum where the average age is probably 21 and brag about how rich you are then you obviously have some deeper psychological issues.

Even if he does have loads of cash the way he presents himself is plebeian at best. The amount of money you have in your bank account doesn't mean you're worth more as a human being or superior to anyone else. It's this type of thinking that has really ****** up America and it's sad to see this behavior continue.
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