Ask A Hedge Fund Fraud

But him being in that pic with the Rolls Royce car salesman makes me believe he did purchase it. But who knows. Maybe its a personal friend, maybe he payed to take a pic with him... idk...

Like I said a couple pages back, anybody with a friend or job at the dealership could do that. People on here giving a lot of weight to an opportunistic iPhone photo. Incredible that some are trusting their money with a person who may have just made a trip to the dealership and took pics in their best fit.

you really expect him to do background checks on his users? 

i know for a fact you didn't send a gift that you kept telling a user on here you were going to send out.

sooo maybe you should be in trouble for that.

Not a background check, but just something with proof. Dude could have really scammed someone. If you're a reddit user, you know before anyone starts an Ask me aything and gives advice to users or answers questions about their life they pm mods with proof, like a tagged picture or the thread will be locked. That doesn't sound anywhere near a background to me

And If you're talking about Gatzby Gordon I sent him 2 things actually (I still have the amazon receipts, and those 2 things were worth more than what a lot of people put in their boxes), but not the actual box about nothing. I forgot completely and at the time took a break from NT/internet to focus on grades and school. But when I came back dude was banned and I had no idea how to contact him + I also moved to Korea :lol: . if you do have his contact information please PM me. Thank You.
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Apparently anyone who has wealth on NT came up through the drug game...

I sincerely doubt it.
Post #951 if you really want to read what it says bout Hyper :smh:

Can we please move on from this damn list already? It was posted for a month and now everybody like "OMG what list :wow:" ..
Whoa Hyper lives in Vegas... its all starting to add up...

What's starting to add up? The fact that I actually play poker for a living and that this:


Is complete ********?

My location says Las Vegas, NV :lol: it's not really a secret.
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A lot of posts getting deleted in here, :lol:
I will hold you to this, sir.

A good friend out here is an auctioneer/poker dealer and he dabbles in the storage unit/lock cutting he takes monthly trips to Vegas. He asked for my help on some of these trips so I'll be in your neck of the woods in the near future.

Full Tilt!
Classic case scenario of someone taking a notion of something that hasn't even begun and getting way too far ahead of themselves....Dude took a conversation about potential dealings and toward it into a million dollar publishing empire.

Dude stuck in the Cudi Zone with that logic.

He is like the girl you kick it with for one night and she runs and tells everyone that she is pregnant and you guys are settling down in a committed serious relationship with a marriage proposal on the Horizon.

The Loudest is the Weakest.
Apparently anyone who has wealth on NT came up through the drug game...

I sincerely doubt it.

I prefer to look at things from a perspective of, it would come as no surprise to me if rich NT'rs (or non-NT'rs) made their money illegitimately or legitimately.

I believe to not prosecute before facts are presented and not give benefit of the doubt either until there are proven facts.

Folks on here should just accept that we have some poor, hood-rich, middle class, rich and wealthy people as part of NT, and take it for what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

Let's just keep it movin....
BigLescobar backpedaling
word he is. trying to cover himself. Time to expose Big L
  • 2,349 Posts. Joined 10/2000
  • Location: NJ/NYC
  • Reputation: 232
We are bringing the Video Game company back as well as other businesses.....Also you know how alot of rappers, especially older ones are always crying that they dont own their publishing? That's caus we got it....

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Oh because I am saying you I am ignoring everyone else? Nope I am stating a facts which many of you are not stating

Brolic, u called what? That I don't have a fund and I'm BSing then what did you do tell me how your money is funny in insurance and how to network I answered you. Old man I employ people like you to do my audit once a year. I have people that will be your boss when you get that big account job calling me to get my fund audit and admin business. But why put you down or have ill things to say. You still going to use my networking tactics. Asking me that question for how to get to the money while you had reservations only made you my son.

I have spoken to so many if you, look at so many of your business plans, forwarded your resumes for jobs. Etc...

The expose there is none. You go in my LinkedIn... Oh u got me it matches what I said I did. Since I am a registered broker you can of course see my employment history and what does it show? I worked and went to school at those places.

I am scamming yet in superB's profile there is a thread about high interest investments in which he speaks of knowing that the investment he is advising on can be a known Ponzi scheme... Smh

Oh am def rocking tom ford. And it ain't 3k for the made to measure with my name and initials all in it. That blue one you see is 10k alone. Go price one out many of you are good at doing that.

Making up stories of how I'm a white collar criminal, well where is the my court docket. Straight libel

Not one of you here can say I scammed you or took something from you. If anything I have you more info than I received but that was my mistake for even acknowledging many of the emails.

The fact still remains my everyday car is most of your fathers dream car. I could stunt with stuff all day, every day but what will it matter? Y'all just going to try and stalk me. Ask me prove more then come looking for me to meet me and say what? Nothing just like you do when you call my office.

Ask yourself this? What did most do from 7am to 4pm likely watch this thread go on my LinkedIn and punch your clock. By 11am I made 15k. But I digress continue with the fodder
Shut up dont mention my name in your mouth fraud...

All he have to do to end this is show his license plate on the phantom so we can see if its registered to him or even his registraion but NOPE he wont do this cause he know he will be even more exposed

Show your license plate so i can do a quick check fraudster
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Shut up dont mention my name in your mouth fraud...

All he have to do to end this is show his license plate on the phantom so we can see if its registered to him or even his registraion but NOPE he wont do this cause he know he will be even more exposed

Show your license plate so i can do a quick check fraudster
His license plate was posted already.
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