Ask a Personal Trainer Anything

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

I want the perfect phsyique but dont want to put in the hard work to get it. What supplements do you recommend?

What is the best way to get rid of loose skin? Lost about 60 lbs and have some loose skin around the stomach I would like to tighten up.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

i cant get past 220 i eat 8 times a day and im stuck at this weight smh what do u recommend?

Teufel...u do anything else besides biceps? U look like a hispanic situation LOL
I am 6'1 269 and most of my fat is concentrated in my thighs and stomach area. What exercises/diet do you recomend
double yeah my legs are strong also but i cant gain a pound over 220. been stuck on 220 for 5 months 
Originally Posted by tim teufel

double yeah my legs are strong also but i cant gain a pound over 220. been stuck on 220 for 5 months 
Ditto. I'm plateaued at 220 as well since Thanksgiving..... I've given up on trying to get bigger but now I'm just gonna cut down to 190-200ish and get ready for summer
feels batman
Originally Posted by MarcMac360

what workouts/exercises do you commonly see done wrong/bad form?

who was the strongest athlete you trained with?

Depends on the gym but usually any upper back exercise. 9 times out of 10 the average person will have elevated shoulders, dip their chin, and improper torso placement.

Also squats and deadlifts are very easy to find faults in form but these exercises have had books written on how to do them. Even the most experience lifters are perfecting their squats and deadlifts.

This is mainly due to bad posture and by bad posture I don't mean someone who looks like the hunchback of Notre Dame. I mean small muscular dysfunctions such as anterior pelvic tilts, shoulder dysfunctions (from tight upper traps/sternocleidomastoid/Levator Scapulae, weak deep cervical flexors/lower traps). 
Originally Posted by 4one5

Have you hooked up with any clients?

When I was younger all the time.

Kind of ended when I was chased out of the house by my clients husband because I didn't know she had a husband on a business trip.
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