Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Thread Vol. Trailer Leaked

Thanks for the info. I watched some ign video that broke down the AC storyline because I didn't think that it would be worth it to play all those games for the storyline.

AC3 has the best engine of the series so I don't see how you can label it as trash.
Engine =/= gameplay. The gameplay just went down as the series went on. AC1 was trash, but I still played and beat it cuz I got AC2 first so I did it for the sake of the story. AC2 was fantastic. Huge step up from AC1. AC2 wasn't bad, either. The one map thing kinda bugged me a little, though. Revelations was a good couple steps back from AC2 and ACB. One thief mission, one mercenary mission, no Romanie mission, no races, no beat-up missions, one Secret Lair, no horses AC3 took a HUGE step backwards from the past games. AC3 was a HUGE step back from all the previous games. They got rid of pretty much all of the side missions. No upgradable armor. Got rid of traveling by hook wire, which was a life saver. No notoriety-less outfit. NO BANKS!!!!! WTF!! Not even being able to pick up hookers to lure guards. I can't even begin to tell you how much I hated the maze tunnels to find a fast-travel location. I can just go on and on, but you get the idea.
These are legitimate gripes. I've only played AC1 and ACR. So playing AC3 seems like an improvement to me.

Genius. I remember Tenchu from back in the day.

What was the last great "ninja" game?
^That's pointless. The Desmond story is one of the biggest things about the game.
I've beaten it. The entire game itself doesn't make sense, which is why I said they're running out of ideas. They should've just ended the series with AC3. With that said, I am still going to buy this game because I've become exactly the victim Ubisoft is marketing this game towards. I have all 5 AC games already and Bloodlines on PSP and Liberation on Vita, so even though I may not be happy with it, I'll still buy this game cuz I already have the others and I'll beat it for the sake of the story, too.
I wish they would make an Assasin's Creed that's set during slavery.  I would love to have a black protagonist.
Info on this game:

-new team
-development began in the summer of 2011
-written by the scriptwriter of Revelations
-no campaign co-op
-player will be an employee of Abstergo Entertainment, a subsidiary of Abstergo Industries
-no Desmond, but other characters will return
-something similar to the brotherhood of assassins will be back
-setting includes Cuba, Bahamas, Nassau and south Florida
-game includes jungles, temples, Mayan ruins, underwater ship wrecks and more
-a lot of work is put in improving stealth
-ocean combat and exploration center of the game
-Player can use a spyclass to spot ships with an overlay explaining weapons, treasure etc
-swimming and underwater combat is in
-hunting whales is possible
-no carefully crafted subtext or political intrigue
-Templars will be back
-enemy will be a collective of rival pirates
-certain islands will be difficult to access at the beginning of the game
-more tall buildings than in AC3
Info on this game:

-new team
-development began in the summer of 2011
-written by the scriptwriter of Revelations
-no campaign co-op
-player will be an employee of Abstergo Entertainment, a subsidiary of Abstergo Industries
-no Desmond, but other characters will return
-something similar to the brotherhood of assassins will be back
-setting includes Cuba, Bahamas, Nassau and south Florida
-game includes jungles, temples, Mayan ruins, underwater ship wrecks and more
-a lot of work is put in improving stealth
-ocean combat and exploration center of the game
-Player can use a spyclass to spot ships with an overlay explaining weapons, treasure etc
-swimming and underwater combat is in
-hunting whales is possible
-no carefully crafted subtext or political intrigue
-Templars will be back
-enemy will be a collective of rival pirates
-certain islands will be difficult to access at the beginning of the game
-more tall buildings than in AC3
From IGNs preview write up:

Another stumbling point of the AC franchise: the modern storyline. Though an afterthought in the minds of many, the Assassin’s Creed saga focuses a great deal on the contemporary conflict between Assassins and Templars. Until ACIII, that part of the storyline was told through Desmond Miles. With Desmond’s story concluded, Ubisoft was left searching for another way to continue the tale in 2013. It’s doing this by making you, the player, part of the narrative. Though details were purposefully left vague, you are a person hired by Templar-controlled Abstergo Entertainment to research a pivotal moment in Desmond’s ancestry. You’re told to look into Edward Kenway – and away you go.

Also, for those who didn't like Connor compared to Ezio:

Edward himself seems designed, or at least destined, to stand as an answer or a contrast to Connor, which should please critics of the Assassin’s Creed III protagonist. While Connor was more firm, more stoic, more serious, lacking some of the vibrancy of his predecessors, Edward is intended to be more charming, clever and reckless. In fact, when Black Flag starts, Edward is already a pirate, one who is destined to encounter the assassins’ order.

Finally, for those concerned the series has become too linear/restricted:

That kind of flexibility lends itself to the entire mission philosophy for Black Flag. Ubisoft wants to remove some of the barriers that previous games created, leaning more on open-ended directives, something that lends itself more towards the (comparatively) simple assassination orders from the first AC game. Ismail described his approach as being less about hand-holding and more about providing basic objectives with flexible conditions for satisfying said objectives, which also includes refining game systems for things like detection and stealth, so players better understand how the game "reads" their actions.
Update: Customers who purchase Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag on PS3 or PS4 can download an additional 60 minutes of exclusive gameplay via the PlayStation Network at the game’s launch. We’ll have further details to share in the months ahead!

Why does Sony get special treatment in this series? They got a whole story arch (Benedict Arnold) in AC 3

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flags to feature "Connected Single-Player" on next-gen consoles.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flags is a next-gen game (gasp!), and will feature a few new, special systems on console versions, such as a "connected" single-player mode, creative director Jean Guesdon says in an internal Q&A unearthed by All Games Beta.

"Next-gen versions will bring to the players new, connected features allowing them to feel that even if they remain 'single player,' it will be better to be a 'single connected player,'" Guesdon says. "I mean that next-gen Consoles will allow players to have a solo experience that benefits the presence of a huge community."

Guesdon doesn't go into detail about the connected systems. He does outline a few more tidbits about the game, including the "horizon system," which provides characters aboard the ship with "pirate opportunities," side-quests specific to an individual player's progress. Ubisoft has six studios working on Black Flag: Montreal, Singapore, Sofia and Québec working on single-player content, and Annecy and Bucharest developing multiplayer.
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From the 6th -

PETA Attacks Assassin's Creed 4 For Including Whaling UPDATE: Ubisoft Responds

PETA is at it again, and they’re getting a little quicker. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has come out against video games before – lambasting Mario for wearing raccoon skin and criticizing Pokemon for encouraging the enslavement of animals – and now they’re hitting Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag just a few days after its reveal. The issue? Early screenshots confirmed whaling, and PETA doesn’t like that. The organization said in statement provided to Venturebeat:

“Whaling—that is, shooting whales with harpoons and leaving them to struggle for an hour or more before they die or are hacked apart while they are still alive—may seem like something out of the history books, but this bloody industry still goes on today in the face of international condemnation, and it’s disgraceful for any game to glorify it. PETA encourages video game companies to create games that celebrate animals—not games that promote hurting and killing them.”

Commercial whaling is illegal today, but Japanese whalers get around the International Whaling Commission under an exemption for scientific research.

In the 18th century, however, when Assassin’s Creed 4 takes place, whaling was a widespread industry, particularly in the new world. We haven’t seen much whaling in video games before, but it’s a natural fit for this story, especially with the hunting mechanics first introduced in Assassin’s Creed 3. Assassin’s Creed 3, of course, also had you slaughtering wolves wholesale (again, discouraged in the modern era), though PETA didn’t seem to have a problem with that.

Ubisoft reminds us that this is a work of historical fiction.

“History is our playground in Assassin’s Creed. Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag is a work of fiction that depicts the real events during the Golden Era of Pirates,” the company said in a statement. “We do not condone illegal whaling, just as we don’t condone a pirate lifestyle of poor hygiene, plundering, hijacking ships, and over the legal limit drunken debauchery. “
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