Assassin's Creed III


I'll preface this by saying that I'm a massive AC fanboy because I really enjoy the whole Ancient Aliens/Desmond storyline and it was probably the first true Next-Gen IP that I grew to like.

But I felt like this game was a massive step backwards from AC2/ACB/ACR. Extremely repetitive (which is expected of an AC game but still), Connor was as boring as a cardboard box, and I don't know how to explain it, but I felt that his storyline/character was completely pointless and I became extremely frustrated with his motives/character. Achilles had a lot to do with this as well. Horrible characters. I just didn't like Connor all that much, especially when Haytham was a more well rounded and personable individual.

Like others have said in this thread, I had absolutely NO desire to pursue side quests or purchase new weaponry/equipment. I don't even think I entered a general store, unless I was forced to do so by a mission. The underground tunnels were extremely stupid, why even have branching paths to explore that are completely empty? Or why have Fast Travel locations, when I can fast travel to the Harbormasters and Exit map locations without going to the bother of walking around empty tunnels. They could've made some of those like the underground/secret missions in AC2/ACB/ACR, but they were ultimately useless. Hunting was pointless. Naval combat was a chore and I did not enjoy it, I don't see why everyone is praising it as a game saving feature. I disliked it immensely. The map itself was a chore to traverse and I don't know why they changed it, but in the previous games, the viewpoints would open up and clear the "fog of war" on the areas of the map that you hadn't visited yet. They didn't do that in this game, which was extremely annoying and I had no desire to explore those uncharted areas, because it would just lead to more boring crap.

The free-running controls were horrible, I don't know many times during a chase sequence I got stuck on a 2 foot tall incline, or running up a tree trunk when I was supposed to advance to the next branch. Riding a horse in this game was an absolute nightmare. Combat was fast-paced and exciting, and I spent most of the game starting riots and purposely attacking guards just so I could fight 10-20 at a time. But after playing stuff like Arkham City the gadget integration and combos could've been more thought out and implemented better. Having to open a menu that completely breaks immersion just to change from a pistol to my rope-dart thingy halfway through a 20 man battle royale is just :x

I haven't talked about the Desmond missions yet, but it felt like they gave those whole portions of the game to the work experience kids to complete. Those maps were ugly, the characters were ugly and they felt like tacked on afterthoughts.

Having said all that, I didn't experience a single bug the whole time I played, but I guarantee if I did, I would've hated it even more :lol:
I'll preface this by saying that I'm a massive AC fanboy because I really enjoy the whole Ancient Aliens/Desmond storyline and it was probably the first true Next-Gen IP that I grew to like.
But I felt like this game was a massive step backwards from AC2/ACB/ACR. Extremely repetitive (which is expected of an AC game but still), Connor was as boring as a cardboard box, and I don't know how to explain it, but I felt that his storyline/character was completely pointless and I became extremely frustrated with his motives/character. Achilles had a lot to do with this as well. Horrible characters. I just didn't like Connor all that much, especially when Haytham was a more well rounded and personable individual.
Like others have said in this thread, I had absolutely NO desire to pursue side quests or purchase new weaponry/equipment. I don't even think I entered a general store, unless I was forced to do so by a mission. The underground tunnels were extremely stupid, why even have branching paths to explore that are completely empty? Or why have Fast Travel locations, when I can fast travel to the Harbormasters and Exit map locations without going to the bother of walking around empty tunnels. They could've made some of those like the underground/secret missions in AC2/ACB/ACR, but they were ultimately useless. Hunting was pointless. Naval combat was a chore and I did not enjoy it, I don't see why everyone is praising it as a game saving feature. I disliked it immensely. The map itself was a chore to traverse and I don't know why they changed it, but in the previous games, the viewpoints would open up and clear the "fog of war" on the areas of the map that you hadn't visited yet. They didn't do that in this game, which was extremely annoying and I had no desire to explore those uncharted areas, because it would just lead to more boring crap.
The free-running controls were horrible, I don't know many times during a chase sequence I got stuck on a 2 foot tall incline, or running up a tree trunk when I was supposed to advance to the next branch. Riding a horse in this game was an absolute nightmare. Combat was fast-paced and exciting, and I spent most of the game starting riots and purposely attacking guards just so I could fight 10-20 at a time. But after playing stuff like Arkham City the gadget integration and combos could've been more thought out and implemented better. Having to open a menu that completely breaks immersion just to change from a pistol to my rope-dart thingy halfway through a 20 man battle royale is just

I haven't talked about the Desmond missions yet, but it felt like they gave those whole portions of the game to the work experience kids to complete. Those maps were ugly, the characters were ugly and they felt like tacked on afterthoughts.
Having said all that, I didn't experience a single bug the whole time I played, but I guarantee if I did, I would've hated it even more
I actually was wondering if anyone felt the same way as me & well your post just about summed it up. I hate this game, but find myself playing it because I am a fan of the series.
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I actually was wondering if anyone felt the same way as me & well your post just about summed it up. I hate this game, but find myself playing it because I am a fan of the series.


I stayed up till 3am the other night just to finish this thing so that I never have to play it again.
I stayed up till 3am the other night just to finish this thing so that I never have to play it again.

yup. Had to force myself to finish this boring @#$ game. I'm glad I'm not the only one who found Connor to be absolutely uninteresting. I mean the whole colonies setting itself is pretty boring, after playing through the Middle East and Italy. Would've preferred a setting in Asia or something.

HATED the naval missions as well. Going around in a circle for 10 minutes and hoping your cannon barrage hits the other ship is not my idea of fun.

And the ending with Desmond :stoneface: :x :smh: talk about doing way too much
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So this game is what I thought it was (Coach Green) :lol:. AC Revelations was so bad that I hated myself for finishing it. Sounds like this new game is the same. I do want to see what happens to Desmond and what everything means but I'm not sure I want to buy this game, maybe i'll just youtube it.
I'm glad I saved the 60 bucks plus tax. Just gonna YouTube the ending. Games on the grand theft auto repetitive steez
So this game is what I thought it was (Coach Green) :lol:. AC Revelations was so bad that I hated myself for finishing it. Sounds like this new game is the same. I do want to see what happens to Desmond and what everything means but I'm not sure I want to buy this game, maybe i'll just youtube it.

If I were you I'd save my money. I got the game for free and I still hated it :lol:
So this game is what I thought it was (Coach Green)
. AC Revelations was so bad that I hated myself for finishing it. Sounds like this new game is the same. I do want to see what happens to Desmond and what everything means but I'm not sure I want to buy this game, maybe i'll just youtube it.
My sentiments exactly except I didnt finish Revelations, I couldnt put myself through it. IDK if I even want to bother with this game, this series is dead to me for the most part.
I got the Vita version and although it is different, It has been pretty good so far, best Vita game by far
Connor had his moments. Like
when he tells off G-dub and Haytham and during the execution

He's still miles better than the original Altair.

Sure, he's not Ezio, but he's not supposed to be. Ezio was a noble first, and assassin second. He was supposed to be cool and charming. Connor is more rugged and rough around the edges, and his character shows it.

I really liked the game. I loved the detail put into the environment, and the overall atmosphere. My brother and I both loved the naval battles. The story was good. I encountered maybe two or three bugs throughout the game. Overall, I enjoyed it. There were some minor design decisions I didn't like, such as the weapon menu, but they were small issues.

That's not to say the game is perfect. AC2 is still my favorite, but I like Connor and this was my favorite historical setting in the series.
I stayed up till 3am the other night just to finish this thing so that I never have to play it again.
Same here! :lol:
How many of you guys are gonna be like me and just keep the game for the sake of the collection and probably never touch it again? :rofl:
Though I love the series there are a few things that I can do without. I am not a fan of the extra task to gain full synchronization. Most of them are easily attainable, but there are quite a few that have me wondering why the Hell is this in here. I didn't like the naval missions and the horses in these games always blow. You'd think the designers would take note from Red Dead Redemption on how it should be done. I will say that AC3 did deliver when it came to the scenery.
Just give it a go. This game isn't that bad. It's good, just not great like we all expected it to be.
Its overall positive for me.

I like the setting, very interesting. Kind of cool to be involved in some of those historic times and places.

Connor(Ratonhnhaké:ton) took some time getting used to, but he's not so bad. Definitely very rough around the edges thus far. Running across battlefields dodging canon balls was pretty fun. Don't like riding the horses.

Like most have said, I don't really have a desire to complete side missions unless they are right beside me.

The kills are pretty awesome and intense. The hatchet is fun, but I try to use the dual hidden blades from time to time. I believe I just finished sequence 7 so we will see as I progress.
Though the storyline was a let down for me; I've decided to go through the game again and attempt 100% synch & complete all side missions. For those of you who pre-ordered from Game Stop was there an extra single player mission? I know there is a couple single player missions that were exclusive ( Not the PS3 Benedict Arnold missions) & I am wondering if they will be made available since I purchased the season pass through XBL.
Has anyone started playing the DLC? I downloaded it yesterday, but will probably wait for the weekend to play it.
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