At what age did you stop growing?

Jul 6, 2008
man im short as hell. im turning 20 years old next month and i havent grown an inch since grade 9

my little brother is only 15, and already has an inch or two on me

ive always heard on average that men stop growing at around 21, females at 18. not sure where i got that from, pretty sure it was in some class.

i already made it clear to myself that im not getting any taller. L.

what age did you guys stop growing?
Only grown 2 inches since 6th grade.. I'm 5'9 now barely.

been wearing a 10.5 since then too.
9th grade
1 growth spurt ftl
19yrs old turning 20 in couple months.
5'6.5 morning 5'5 night
I was 6' in 7th grade, I always thought I was gonna get tall, like 6'5", but I topped out at 6'2"
I didn't stop growing until like 18...but i've always been off the doctors charts cuz i'm just very tall

But hey, my homeboy is a junior in college and he didn't start growing facial hair until like 2 months ago (dead serious)
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