At what age did you stop receiving gifts from your parents? Vol. Bday/xmas

Sep 4, 2009
I'm turning 20 next month and I think its gonna be my last gift from my parents. 
At what age did you guys stop?
Mine stopped when I was 16. & not a single damn was given
i'm 22 and I don't get anything big. My dad will throw me some cash here and there. But this year has been a good year for me as i've done a lot of hard work. I think my pops is gonna buy my Bonnaroo ticket for me.
My family is big on gifts I doubt it will ever stop Im 19 and my sister is 22
By time I was 16, it was down to just 1 present.

At 18, it was over.
Big gifts stopped when I was like 10. My birthday is in late October so I always heard "christmas is just around the corner"
Now they just take me out to eat.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Stopped asking for "Christmas" gifts around 17[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Stopped celebrating "Christmas" and my birthday all together around 19, I'll be 23 in June.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I don't celebrate any particular day whatsoever.[/color]
They didn't give me any bday/xmas gifts, I didn't really ask for much. They supported me all the way through undergrad though. 
my birthday I always go with my dad to a playoff Knicks game it's the only present I get but boy it's worth it
idk... I'm 19 and still get gifts, but after college when I'm working full time getting big gifts would feel weird. But with my family everyone gives everyone else something around Christmas. Wouldn't feel right if we didn't get together and exchange gifts.
25 and still receive gifts from the mom. I don't ever ask for anything but she always comes through with something good. She still gives my younger sis gifts too but my sis and I are always getting her gifts too. The fam is big on giving
I don't think I've ever really received a gift from them.... maybe the gift of life?? But thats about it
it kinda stopped once I got an actual job. There was no point in giving birthday or christmas gifts, because I buy everything myself. I get money and dinners now. im 22 btw
A birthday gift? Like 15 or 16.

Christmas my mom will still usually give me something small if we're together Christmas day.

My mom used to make rain on Christmas day when I was young but she started transitioning to the one gift approach when I was 11 or 12.
16. I never really got mad over it, not to sound like one of those people but they did everything else for me and I had more than most people so it was nothing to me.
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