At What Point Do You Just Give Up on Friends You Were Once Close With....? Uh, Rape?

Originally Posted by RedMan

You lost me when you felt the need to point out his black friends happen to the "bad" as opposed to you the white guy who does no wrong.

Same thing I thought. But if you are still cool with him your an idiot.
Originally Posted by RedMan

You lost me when you felt the need to point out his black friends happen to the "bad" as opposed to you the white guy who does no wrong.

Same thing I thought. But if you are still cool with him your an idiot.
Seriously, I after hearing that from the female I would have tried to comfort her as much as I could, then leave after I did my best. Proceed to drive to my "friends" place, and ring the door bell.

When he opened the door and said "oh hai" I would sock him right in the face as hard as I could.

From that point I would either A, keep whooping butt if he tried to fight back or B, tell him everything I had on my mind about the situation, him, and our friendship, then leave.

Yes, I would hit him.
Seriously, I after hearing that from the female I would have tried to comfort her as much as I could, then leave after I did my best. Proceed to drive to my "friends" place, and ring the door bell.

When he opened the door and said "oh hai" I would sock him right in the face as hard as I could.

From that point I would either A, keep whooping butt if he tried to fight back or B, tell him everything I had on my mind about the situation, him, and our friendship, then leave.

Yes, I would hit him.
yall are ******ED if you think this dude billy bloodbath is telling the truth 
son acting like like life is a game of CS or something 
posting this **@$ on NT, acting like killing is fun

successful troll is successful
yall are ******ED if you think this dude billy bloodbath is telling the truth 
son acting like like life is a game of CS or something 
posting this **@$ on NT, acting like killing is fun

successful troll is successful
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

He wouldn't be the first rapist I've killed, either. 
....& yea rapin a chick aint cool at all, i wouldnt be able to be cool wit a dude who raped sumbody 
I've carried out missions in Iraq and Afghanistan weeding out people who liked to rape the young girls who lived in the village... one of them was his daughter and another was his niece. In another instance there was a guy who got an 11 year old girl pregnant... he had the audacity and braggadocio to let everyone know about it... we found him and he was dead within the week.  
A lot of these people in these countries think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. Not going to happen. 

He even pushed a child at me in hopes of distracting me before I killed him.
These people are the scum of the earth. 
I'm so torn. On one hand I'm like wow those guys deserve that so good for you I guess
. (even though this contradicts what you said in the other thread with the cops)

But, on the other hand I'm like why you "weeding" out rapists in the armed forces? That a really mission from a commander or... a side job? Either way I feel like its not really time well spent during a "war".

So I feel like saying, this is why I don't automatically give respect or props to any military peeps (like so many people do). I have known of too many that think they are going over there to just kill and be rambo.

Don't get all bent out of shape. I'm not saying that's you, and I do understand the need for the armed forces. I feel like that about every person who thinks their career choice (not just military) gives them some kind of entitlement even without being respectable people.
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

He wouldn't be the first rapist I've killed, either. 
....& yea rapin a chick aint cool at all, i wouldnt be able to be cool wit a dude who raped sumbody 
I've carried out missions in Iraq and Afghanistan weeding out people who liked to rape the young girls who lived in the village... one of them was his daughter and another was his niece. In another instance there was a guy who got an 11 year old girl pregnant... he had the audacity and braggadocio to let everyone know about it... we found him and he was dead within the week.  
A lot of these people in these countries think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. Not going to happen. 

He even pushed a child at me in hopes of distracting me before I killed him.
These people are the scum of the earth. 
I'm so torn. On one hand I'm like wow those guys deserve that so good for you I guess
. (even though this contradicts what you said in the other thread with the cops)

But, on the other hand I'm like why you "weeding" out rapists in the armed forces? That a really mission from a commander or... a side job? Either way I feel like its not really time well spent during a "war".

So I feel like saying, this is why I don't automatically give respect or props to any military peeps (like so many people do). I have known of too many that think they are going over there to just kill and be rambo.

Don't get all bent out of shape. I'm not saying that's you, and I do understand the need for the armed forces. I feel like that about every person who thinks their career choice (not just military) gives them some kind of entitlement even without being respectable people.
Originally Posted by MastaMind033

Part of growing up is that some people from you past will fall behind. I think everybody has childhood friends they were close with but as we get older, people change and you gotta think about yourself before them. It sucks they destroy or do nothing with their lives but you can't let that guilt get to you and have to move on.

Too true.

He should be resonsible for his actions, but he might need someone like you in his life to support him.
Originally Posted by MastaMind033

Part of growing up is that some people from you past will fall behind. I think everybody has childhood friends they were close with but as we get older, people change and you gotta think about yourself before them. It sucks they destroy or do nothing with their lives but you can't let that guilt get to you and have to move on.

Too true.

He should be resonsible for his actions, but he might need someone like you in his life to support him.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by eashawty

....& yea rapin a chick aint cool at all, i wouldnt be able to be cool wit a dude who raped sumbody 
I've carried out missions in Iraq and Afghanistan weeding out people who liked to rape the young girls who lived in the village... one of them was his daughter and another was his niece. In another instance there was a guy who got an 11 year old girl pregnant... he had the audacity and braggadocio to let everyone know about it... we found him and he was dead within the week.  
A lot of these people in these countries think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. Not going to happen. 

He even pushed a child at me in hopes of distracting me before I killed him.
These people are the scum of the earth.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by eashawty

....& yea rapin a chick aint cool at all, i wouldnt be able to be cool wit a dude who raped sumbody 
I've carried out missions in Iraq and Afghanistan weeding out people who liked to rape the young girls who lived in the village... one of them was his daughter and another was his niece. In another instance there was a guy who got an 11 year old girl pregnant... he had the audacity and braggadocio to let everyone know about it... we found him and he was dead within the week.  
A lot of these people in these countries think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. Not going to happen. 

He even pushed a child at me in hopes of distracting me before I killed him.
These people are the scum of the earth.
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

He wouldn't be the first rapist I've killed, either. 
....& yea rapin a chick aint cool at all, i wouldnt be able to be cool wit a dude who raped sumbody 
I've carried out missions in Iraq and Afghanistan weeding out people who liked to rape the young girls who lived in the village... one of them was his daughter and another was his niece. In another instance there was a guy who got an 11 year old girl pregnant... he had the audacity and braggadocio to let everyone know about it... we found him and he was dead within the week.  
A lot of these people in these countries think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. Not going to happen. 

He even pushed a child at me in hopes of distracting me before I killed him.
These people are the scum of the earth. 


Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

He wouldn't be the first rapist I've killed, either. 
....& yea rapin a chick aint cool at all, i wouldnt be able to be cool wit a dude who raped sumbody 
I've carried out missions in Iraq and Afghanistan weeding out people who liked to rape the young girls who lived in the village... one of them was his daughter and another was his niece. In another instance there was a guy who got an 11 year old girl pregnant... he had the audacity and braggadocio to let everyone know about it... we found him and he was dead within the week.  
A lot of these people in these countries think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. Not going to happen. 

He even pushed a child at me in hopes of distracting me before I killed him.
These people are the scum of the earth. 


Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

He wouldn't be the first rapist I've killed, either. 
....& yea rapin a chick aint cool at all, i wouldnt be able to be cool wit a dude who raped sumbody 
I've carried out missions in Iraq and Afghanistan weeding out people who liked to rape the young girls who lived in the village... one of them was his daughter and another was his niece. In another instance there was a guy who got an 11 year old girl pregnant... he had the audacity and braggadocio to let everyone know about it... we found him and he was dead within the week.  
A lot of these people in these countries think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. Not going to happen. 

He even pushed a child at me in hopes of distracting me before I killed him.
These people are the scum of the earth. 

 You should keep details like that to yourself sir.
Although I do somewhat agree, maybe someone needs to hit up Gabriel, the Angel. But in all honesty, I don't know what this kids gone through in his life to push him into being such a dimwit. What goes around comes around. I imagine he will "get his", probably up the geezer, when he's in prison someday.

EDIT: And Mr. Billy Bath. NT doesn't forget. Someday a  NT D-tec will either find your online social life, or you will post pics someday. As soon as that happens, you will always be tied to the aforementioned things, which don't just reflect badly on you, but every single soldier in our military and every single citizen that you are fighting for. Let's hope that your braggings do not go as far as "The Kill Team's" did.

But OP, when friends hurt my other friends, or they get in the way of my progressions - that is when I let them go. I don't give them too many chances.
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