Atheist, could you marry someone who believes in god?

^doesn't sound like you're ready to get married anytime soon

marriage is about compromising and learning to give and take.... seems like you want it your way..or no way
Pretty much. I read something online that was pretty much a few ways to know that you're not ready for marriage... I met all the criteria. I don't wantto have to compromise that much. I mean, if I'm going to (theoretically) spend the rest of my life with somebody, I'd like to imagine that wewould want a lot of the same things. That way neither of us will feel like we're doing something we don't want to do. I was just commenting on the ideaof children with a person who is a strong believer - and whether it were to happen later or sooner, the different outcomes that would come with it.

It would be one thing if religion was as arbitrary as a favorite color, but people let it take over their lives. I could be happy with a girl who doesn'tshare my favorite color.
Originally Posted by Knivesdesu

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Could you forget what you know to be true to indulge someone that believes that his or her life has a greater meaning than just being?
I would say in this case that person would be too narrow minded to accept anyone. When you KNOW anything to be true that is based on a certain amount of faith (YES, science becomes faith too at some point) you are by nature blind to other view points. I think your KNOWLEDGE of what is inheriently unable to be known would cause rifts in your relationship that would be impassable.
i believe in God and no i could never marry someone who didn't. even if they were an extremely good person, our different beliefs would never let us becompletely happy.
i don't consider myself to be an athiest.. but i fit the description
my girls a buddhist.. doesn't bother me.. me being a nonbeliever doesnt bother her..and she doesnt instill anything on her daughter.. she wants her to makethe choice for herself..
Man let me tell you... I am an atheist. I had a relatioinship with a woman for two years (She was christian and believed in god). No matter how much we lovedeach other, she'd push her religious %%+! on me all the time; constantly trying to change my beliefs. And, because I was an athiest, her mom never reallyaccepted me no matter how hard i tried. In the end, it pretty much was a big factor in our relationship ending.

But, I can definitely see it happening. Not everyone that believes in god (or doesnt) is a religious/anti-religious freak.
I actually want my wife to believe in GOD so our children will have both sides of the story
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

i don't consider myself to be an athiest.. but i fit the description
my girls a buddhist.. doesn't bother me.. me being a nonbeliever doesnt bother her..and she doesnt instill anything on her daughter.. she wants her to make the choice for herself..

Not directly attacking your girl or her religion (because I think they're all ridiculous) and I think it's good to let kids make their own decisions onthis stuff, but... By allowing your child to decide what religion to believe in - that is, letting them decide which religion is "true." She isacknowledging that she accepts that her religion may be false. In which case, why "believe" in something that has holes in its logic and can bedoubted - doubted even by a "believer."
Being an athiest is just as extreme as any extremist in any religion. They're just at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Yea, of course. I'm sure most likely my wife will believe in god, just because more people do. I couldn't %!!! with an extremist though but if she isok with me not believing in god than I'm sure she will have no problem marrying me.
I'm an atheist and my wife is a Christian. She doesn't bother me about it, I don't bother her. We respect each other's way of thinking.

We aren't going to have kids, so there will be no issues on that front.
Of course I could

Doesn't mean I'm going to all the sudden turn really religious though....
I'd consider going to church with her though if it meant a lot to her.
(that's what I did for my mom when I was younger... and yes I had a choice, she didn't force me but she liked if I went with her)
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you have to remember.....Atheism is not a religion

I hope that was sarcasm
It isnt. It's a definition. Is there any atheist texts? Atheist idols? Atheist holidays. No religious people made up the word.

Someone: Do you believe in god?
Me: No I believe in nothing
Someone: Oh so you're an atheist
Me: If that means I dont believe in god sure
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Originally Posted by jawnyquest

i don't consider myself to be an athiest.. but i fit the description
my girls a buddhist.. doesn't bother me.. me being a nonbeliever doesnt bother her..and she doesnt instill anything on her daughter.. she wants her to make the choice for herself..

Not directly attacking your girl or her religion (because I think they're all ridiculous) and I think it's good to let kids make their own decisions on this stuff, but... By allowing your child to decide what religion to believe in - that is, letting them decide which religion is "true." She is acknowledging that she accepts that her religion may be false. In which case, why "believe" in something that has holes in its logic and can be doubted - doubted even by a "believer."

i never said she was allowing her to decide a religion to believe in.. i said shes going to let her make the choice herself.. that choice can be to not believein anything.. its all up to her..
yeah i could...i would just hope that she would respect the fact that im an atheist and not try and convert me...also...i would prefer if they wouldn't tryand force religion on our kids if we have any...
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you have to remember.....Atheism is not a religion

I hope that was sarcasm
It isnt. It's a definition. Is there any atheist texts? Atheist idols? Atheist holidays. No religious people made up the word.

Someone: Do you believe in god?
Me: No I believe in nothing
Someone: Oh so you're an atheist
Me: If that means I dont believe in god sure

Denying the existence of God is a religion. You believe there is no God.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you have to remember.....Atheism is not a religion

I hope that was sarcasm
It isnt. It's a definition. Is there any atheist texts? Atheist idols? Atheist holidays. No religious people made up the word.

Someone: Do you believe in god?
Me: No I believe in nothing
Someone: Oh so you're an atheist
Me: If that means I dont believe in god sure

Denying the existence of God is a religion. You believe there is no God.
Is there russian flying unicorns that speak spanish? No, you say. Are you denying the existience. You're a cornicopist. You believe there isno russian flying unicorns that speak spanish. According to you ofd course.

But according to me and webster religion is;
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usuallyinvolving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

You gather a million atheists in a room and you will not get a set of beliefs we just live our life no 10 commandements no sin, just us. So no denying theexitence of "something" is not a religion
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you have to remember.....Atheism is not a religion

I hope that was sarcasm
It isnt. It's a definition. Is there any atheist texts? Atheist idols? Atheist holidays. No religious people made up the word.

Someone: Do you believe in god?
Me: No I believe in nothing
Someone: Oh so you're an atheist
Me: If that means I dont believe in god sure

Denying the existence of God is a religion. You believe there is no God.
denying the existence of a god is not a religion. im shaking my head.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you have to remember.....Atheism is not a religion

I hope that was sarcasm
It isnt. It's a definition. Is there any atheist texts? Atheist idols? Atheist holidays. No religious people made up the word.

Someone: Do you believe in god?
Me: No I believe in nothing
Someone: Oh so you're an atheist
Me: If that means I dont believe in god sure

Denying the existence of God is a religion. You believe there is no God.
Is there russian flying unicorns that speak spanish? No, you say. Are you denying the existience. You're a cornicopist. You believe there is no russian flying unicorns that speak spanish. According to you ofd course.

But according to me and webster religion is;
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

You gather a million atheists in a room and you will not get a set of beliefs we just live our life no 10 commandements no sin, just us. So no denying the exitence of "something" is not a religion

You have a million athiests in a room, and they all believe there is no God, they all believe that when you die, you just die....ect....

I am not going to get into semantics with you, but to me any belief that takes faith without knowledge is a religion. You can argue that no moral code comesfrom Atheism, but I disagree. It comes from the atheist themselves. Just because there is no finite "Atheist" doesn't mean anything, everychristian interprets the bible differently.
not true some atheists believe in reincarnation.

But I digress you're right every body looks at things different even if theyre under the same umbrella. But come on bruh your definition is belief w/oknowledge. I took out the faith part cause that doesn't make sense what does an atheist have faith in? Faith is as real as hope and luck and karma to anatheist. So by your definition belief w/o knowledge is religion. I believe Lebron is going to be the best player of all time when it's all said and done.Do I have facts? no his career isn't over. So that's a belief w/o knowledge but I'm not in a lebron cult. I know you said you weren't gonna getinto semantics but your post seems like you just said "Since you dont believe in religion you're acknowledging it therefore you're dismissing ofreligion is a religion" which confuses me.
oh geez dont even get me started.............well to late.

I dated this girl and ended up finding out her ex boyfriend raped her. When i asked her why she didnt get the police involved or why she isn't pressingcharges. Her response................."god will have his revenge!"

So you mean to tell me you are going to wait a whole lifetime for that day to come?

I mean her whole story was sad unfortunately. She suffered from autoimmune disease(which there is no cure for btw) its kinda like aids where your body attacksitself but isn't transferred sexually you just get it from genetics. So i could kinda understand why her whole family was such big bible thumpers. I guesswith all that going on whole else could u turn to?
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

not true some atheists believe in reincarnation.

But I digress you're right every body looks at things different even if theyre under the same umbrella. But come on bruh your definition is belief w/o knowledge. I took out the faith part cause that doesn't make sense what does an atheist have faith in? Faith is as real as hope and luck and karma to an atheist. So by your definition belief w/o knowledge is religion. I believe Lebron is going to be the best player of all time when it's all said and done. Do I have facts? no his career isn't over. So that's a belief w/o knowledge but I'm not in a lebron cult. I know you said you weren't gonna get into semantics but your post seems like you just said "Since you dont believe in religion you're acknowledging it therefore you're dismissing of religion is a religion" which confuses me.

I am not talking about religion, I am talking about GOD, the denial of GOD is a religion. You are comparing God to Lebron (not logical)...Lets use FATE?...Ibelieve in it, you don't (for example purposes)....The fact that you believe there is no fate, is a belief in and of itself...You believe there is no Godcorrect?...Does this not affect how you live your life?.....outlook?...Views on certain things?.Foods you eat?.....Friends you have, and friends that will haveyou?....I would think so...Just because you won't kill someone over it doesn't make it not one. Your construct of religion is a set belief system...Iknow no such religion where everyone under that tent believes in the same exact things. I am for gay marriage, and abortion. Name one catholic priest who wouldagree, and not lose his job?

As far as the reincarnation goes, in my previous post I stated the basic beliefs. Some athiest's believing in reincarnation is like an athiest believing inHeaven, and hell. its illogical. Reincarnation is based in Hinduism. Therefore an atheist picking and choosing makes no sense to me, but that is beyond thepoint.
That's where we disagree. My non-belief doesnt affect my life. I dont ask ww(blank)do? You may I don't. When I argue about personal beliefs I dont saywell my ___ says this. The only time my non-religion plays a part in my life is when someones religion forces their way in my life but that's not my fault.You may not believe it because god is such a big part of your life but aside from religious debates I dont think about god.

I dont go to eat dinner and go "let me make sure not to pray" or get in the car and say "let me not ask god for a safe trip" I just go andmy non belief has nothing to do with my life.

& are you saying hiundus are the only one who believe in reincarnation? Cause I can show other religions that do. and how is that illogical? It's anatheist saying "I dont believe in heaven or hell or an almighty power but I believe we never die and we revolve into something back into thisearth"actually reading that theory sounds scientific moreso than religious.
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