Avatar Movie..Whos going to watch it?

It looks average at best from the previews and the animation looks cheesy.

I'll wait for some reviews before I consider it.
yea im gonna go check it in imax 3d
I'm definitely excited to see it but every piece of generic G.I. Joe dialogue I've heard so far has been corny as $$#!.
Originally Posted by TeemOhtee

last airbender > the one with the aliens.

Please that movie is suck a faliure just because of its casting. When was Zuko and Iroh Indian and not asian. Since when was ANYONE in the show not asian?Avatar seems more like something I would not want to pay 10 bucks for so Im getting the boot leg
james cameron doesnt play around
shouldnt be bad, but as others said might be a long one
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

air bender is gonna be horrible... i just know it... sam raimi

it had potential
Shyamalan is actually at the helm of the air bender movie, but that could also warrant a few disgusted faces.

As for the avatar movie, I'm definitely apprehensive. Heard good things though, going to see it first weekend.
My best friend is a Projectionist so I rarely pay the ticket price, this looks promising but throwing a lot of dough at something doesn't always guaranteesuccess. I'll see it in theaters just for the experience, all I'm wasting is the gas to get me there and back.
Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

air bender is gonna be horrible... i just know it... sam raimi

it had potential

Sam Raimi is pretty good,

Drag Me To Hell was great movie wise,
drag me to hell was good?
Originally Posted by parada45

I think I am the only one who thinks this movie is going to flop
Flop as in what regards? Cause chances it will probably make less money then camerons last movie...
But I'm almost sure it will be the biggest movie that week and the biggest movie this month. Hype around it has been pretty big, a lot people going to seeit, whether it will be good or not, is another question. imo it will make more money then it was cost to make, but how much more idk.

Movie cost a few hundred million dollars to make, if it makes that back and only +50million on top, is that considered a flop? Some people would say it is, butimo it still sold a few hundred million dollars worth of tickets in theatres, which I wouldn't say is a flop imo.
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