Avatar Movie..Whos going to watch it?

I really don't want to see this movie, but considering Cameron's reputation with Sci-Fi flicks, it's tough not to be very interested.
Originally Posted by DJ Husslin Keez

The storyline looks pretty interesting

What's interesting about the storyline? This story has been repeated throughout history. Nothing original.
Originally Posted by ssjjfar

parada45 wrote:

I think I am the only one who thinks this movie is going to flop
Flop as in what regards? Cause chances it will probably make less money then camerons last movie...
But I'm almost sure it will be the biggest movie that week and the biggest movie this month. Hype around it has been pretty big, a lot people going to see it, whether it will be good or not, is another question. imo it will make more money then it was cost to make, but how much more idk.

Movie cost a few hundred million dollars to make, if it makes that back and only +50million on top, is that considered a flop? Some people would say it is, but imo it still sold a few hundred million dollars worth of tickets in theatres, which I wouldn't say is a flop imo.

With all the people in the United States going without and people are making movies that cost 500 million. That is a damn shame, I hope the movie flops justfor that reason alone.
Originally Posted by Kakashi

if you referring to the last air-bender yeah,


the cartoon was so good
Words can not express how excited I am for this movie. Disappointed there's not an official thread already with pages of details.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by TeemOhtee

last airbender > the one with the aliens.

Please that movie is suck a faliure just because of its casting. When was Zuko and Iroh Indian and not asian. Since when was ANYONE in the show not asian? Avatar seems more like something I would not want to pay 10 bucks for so Im getting the boot leg
im confused. is India not in Asia? Thus making Indians Asians? im just sayin'
I'll pass, i already know it's going to be bad. Cartoons should stick to cartoon movies not real life, some are an exception.
didn't see this thread, yuku search ftl.

But this film is amazing on so many levels.
The effects had me like


For those that don't know . . .

In the future, Jake, a paraplegic war veteran, is brought to another planet, Pandora, which is inhabited by the Na'vi, a humanoid race with their own language and culture. Those from Earth find themselves at odds with each other and the local culture.


The story is a bit "been there, done that" but the effects are mindblowingly insane. Poops all over any CGI that has presently been done.
I'm geeked for it. I bought my ticket this past Monday for the midnight showing in IMAX 3D.

I cannot wait.
just got back from seeing it. the CGI was amazing..definitely lived up to the hype. the story/dialogue ..well it couldve been worse
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

James Cameron doesn't make bad movies, so I'll be on the lookout for this and will probably buy it on blu-ray down the line since the visuals look out of this world.

yes, thats the first thing I thought of when I first saw the trailer. Potential Blu Ray purchase.
im 23 years old and love that air bender cartoon lol but imma go see Avatar because of the graphics.What is this movie about anyways?
This movie looks mad corny to me, I'm a huge James Cameron fan but it looks childish. Acting looks ridiculous and them blue stick people are on somenickelodeon type. Only reason I would check it out is for the graphics because they look incredible. This movie will be a red box joint for me
story looks boring and redundant, but if the reviews are that good im gonna get blazed and go just for the effects i guess.
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