Ayo!! Why was enimem tea-bagged?


Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Stopppppp just talked to one of my boys that was working as a Key for the awards show.............he said it was totally 100% FIXED, he said Em knew it was going to happen.......stoppp you guys think you are gonna sit there and let somebody drop down on them?

yep, that'd be way too coincidental. viral marketing at its finest...
@ Em. I consider this a low point of his career. I know, it was staged but still....why? All for a few giggles and sells.
I can't see this not being staged...at least most of it. Eminem may not have known just how Sasha was going to land on him, but I think he knew it wasgonna happen. I keep reading how people are talking about this hurting his career....LOL this dude just sold over 600,000 copies in it's first weekreleased of an album where he raps about being molested by his step dad. I'm pretty sure this won't effect his career.
he looked mad as hell...either he was about to #$%@ dude up or he was acting really good
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