Baby-faced boy is father at 13

Originally Posted by Joe Cool23

[color= rgb(204, 0, 0)]Something tells me sex was more of her idea than his.[/color]
the things I want to say
i think the story is crap. the baby looks a lot older than 4 days. kid doesnt look 13 and the chick is definitely over 18. plus, the sun is the UK'snational enquirer
It's illegal to have sex when you're under 18 in general ...

I really don't think that kid is his, I bet she was getting hit by other dudes and knew he would be the only one to take "responsibility" for hisactions ...

I'm sure the parents of those kids will raise the baby, but they should put it for adoption ...

I'm adopted, my parents were 20 & 21 and thought they were too young ...
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