Bad habits that you're trying to break


After I run out of my current supply though, I really do need to take a break. Need to save every dollar I earn for awhile.
Oversleeping (Want to start running at 7am)
Drinking soda (Been drinking water for the past week)
-blowing money on restaurants/food (stupid social life)
-eating late at night
-working out inconsistently (bball, road biking, and plyometrics aint cutting it)
-sleeping late (1-2am every night)
-not finishing professional development books that i start
-not putting enough effort into my parent's business
spending habits on food...i need to start planning my trips to the store...going in and getting what my stomach tells me to is getting a little too expensive...imma start going 1-2 times a month and getting stuff...
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

I blow alot of dough on stupid %%@#.

and biting my nails

ive stopped before, but they just end up breaking and i tear them off
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