Basedgod will rape Kanye West if he doesn't work with him

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Lil B honestly and truly needs to get hit by a bus. Dude is a waste of space and is just a female who loves attention...smh...this guy is the biggest joke in the music industry
berg got him beat easy.
At what point does this lil b character and this based god stuff just stop? Its going a little bit too far, smh.
At what point does this lil b character and this based god stuff just stop? Its going a little bit too far, smh.
i'm lost on this thread. there's not a rapper in the game thatcould have written this and not be ridiculed for weeks. this dude typesthis, joking or serious, and romophobic NT accepts it and laughs aboutit. wow

It all depends on the character of the artist really...if your always acting serious then drop sum like this fans are clearly gonna ridicule you but if your known for being a character and saying outlandish things its just another one under his belt...dude be on twitter getting wild all the time all he did was put Kanye in it this time around...not that serious and you can clearly tell the boothead is joking
i'm lost on this thread. there's not a rapper in the game thatcould have written this and not be ridiculed for weeks. this dude typesthis, joking or serious, and romophobic NT accepts it and laughs aboutit. wow

It all depends on the character of the artist really...if your always acting serious then drop sum like this fans are clearly gonna ridicule you but if your known for being a character and saying outlandish things its just another one under his belt...dude be on twitter getting wild all the time all he did was put Kanye in it this time around...not that serious and you can clearly tell the boothead is joking
Originally Posted by Qualmes

i'm lost on this thread. there's not a rapper in the game thatcould have written this and not be ridiculed for weeks. this dude typesthis, joking or serious, and romophobic NT accepts it and laughs aboutit. wow
 Exactly. I keep trying to tell these idiots.
It's no different than Will Ferrell or any of them funny dudes.

Obviously you're going to hold Will Ferrell to different standards than say...Denzel Washington. If Ferrell says he's going to %$%+ the pope in the %@+ on Twitter...everyone laughs. If Denzel says'd all be like @*%? 

But...Hip Hop is all serious and macho to the point where dudes take %%$* too seriously. 
Originally Posted by Qualmes

i'm lost on this thread. there's not a rapper in the game thatcould have written this and not be ridiculed for weeks. this dude typesthis, joking or serious, and romophobic NT accepts it and laughs aboutit. wow
 Exactly. I keep trying to tell these idiots.
It's no different than Will Ferrell or any of them funny dudes.

Obviously you're going to hold Will Ferrell to different standards than say...Denzel Washington. If Ferrell says he's going to %$%+ the pope in the %@+ on Twitter...everyone laughs. If Denzel says'd all be like @*%? 

But...Hip Hop is all serious and macho to the point where dudes take %%$* too seriously. 
this dude is horrible. if kanye works with him i will start a campaign to boycott all kanyes music.

Lil (raz) B is the worst rapper in history and if i ever see him, i will slap him harder than that other dude did.
this dude is horrible. if kanye works with him i will start a campaign to boycott all kanyes music.

Lil (raz) B is the worst rapper in history and if i ever see him, i will slap him harder than that other dude did.
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