Basketball Thread About Nothing

Which one of y’all is this???


😂😂😂 how bro not mention the ELITE pump fake on the gather tho?!?! you know my man was hurting after demolishing that fence but the adrenaline combined w/the embarrassment had homie get right up w/the quickness 😮‍💨🤣
more discussion on making the switch

did nate robinson's name come up in this debate already?
I feel it would have to be smaller players from the NFL that could transition

and on the other hand
I feel a westbrook could a be a good safety?
Bam defensive end?
jokic left tackle with 50 more pounds on him?

the adjustment would be more strength, weight and preparing for that physicality
which is "easier" to attain than what the nfl has to deal with if coming to the nba,
genetic freaks, really (nfl guys are freaks too, but nba is a different spectrum)

dudes 6'6 playing like guards
crazy bounce, etc etc
your 6'6+ nfl players just arent gonna be able to do that/keep up

you would have way more nba players successfully making the transition to the nfl before you had any 6'6+ nfl players make the nba
and it would be a very lopsided ratio
thats why I feel the successes of the transition would mainly come from your robinsons, charlie wards, AI* etc

(and Im someone that did play both sports, not professionally though - just to at least show I have some reference)

on a side note
I used to hoop at a 24 hr fitness in the dallas area
jeremy shockey came in the gym to hoop once
was terrible at basketball
I never seen in person someone his size (6'5 250) that was that quick and fast

but I also heard another quote, forgot where
"if nfl players could play basketball (in the nba)

they would!"

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on a side note
I used to hoop at a 24 hr fitness in the dallas area
jeremy shockey came in the gym to hoop once
was terrible at basketball
I never seen in person someone his size (6'5 250) that was that quick and fast

football players, somewhat due to the nature of the sport, are kinda self selected to be more explosive & fast twitchy…hoopers have to compromise some of the twitchyness because there is so much cardio/running around, then there’s the coordination & skill aspect with basketball; that the part that makes it a bit harder for american football players to transition into basketball vs vice versa, not that football doesn’t have a coordination & skill component but the learning curve is a bit flatter in american football.

while i’m not one of those that downplays the physicality of basketball, even in this generation of free flowing, open space in hoops, football is a different beast…i think for that reason if you were to give both a typical hooper & typical football player a baseline equal level of skill in the other sport i think i’d give the edge to the football player
Yea even at the HS level, "football players" are more likely to just play basketball at a more frequent level than the opposite happening.
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