Bastard's of NT: From a scale 1-10, How much did not having your pops around affect you?

why you aint teach me how to throw the football daddy?

why you wasn't there after she told me she doesn't love me anymore daddy?

why you aint just take me with you daddy?
I wasn't even mad that my dad wasn't around. At an early age, I kind of developed an understanding of how life can be tricky. I never had resentment towards him or anything. I just learned to accept it. With that being said, mom did fine raising my siblings and me by herself. Of course there was struggles, but that molded me into who I am today. I've made plenty of accomplishments in my life and I'm still striving to make more. So all in all, the affect of not having my dad around is a 1.

Actually, there is a good chance that having him around would have had a negative affect on me.
Probably 7-8. It hurt at first, especially being only 11 when he dipped.

But as I got older and hung around older dudes, they schooled to me things my father wouldn't dare teach me.

So it was bittersweet in retrospect.

He was supposed to come back around and be with us again, but than he passed when i was 19.

Life goes on though..
It's... it's too painful to think about...

Seriously though... that's pretty difficult for me to answer.For the most part I was okay,but there were those moments where I just WISHED he was there you know? To answer HAM's question... I would have to say 12/13.I was going into junior high school and dealing with %!%+ that was new to me.Having a man to guide me through that would've been great.
Overall i'm good though.
3.. doesnt bother ME that much but i think had he stuck around my lil brother wouldnt be such a *%*@+%@ jerk and i wouldnt hate him so much. oh well.
Sad to say this because I don't want to seem like I'm disrespecting my father; but I think I came out better without him.

I would've enjoyed having a father take me to games, teach me how to play football, talk about women...

..kinda taught myself well

Team Fatherless Childen
I don't usually read all the post in the thread but I did this time.

The dude left my mom when I was born so I never got to meet him. Some days though, I do wish I could have met him to see the type of person that he is/was. His absence did affect me.

I do have a step dad that treats me nothing like his blood children as well. At times, it feels really bad man.. to see all the love that he gives them. Treats me like %%%# too. I guess that extra "love" that i could have had could have turned me into a different person. I'm never abandoning my children

I'd say a 10
10 BY FAR OR MORE.......concluding with a overall aspect of how/who/what not to be as a father if I ever become one......

POST TO MY UNBORN CHILD.......I will be there for you for as long as I live..
Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

I don't usually read all the post in the thread but I did this time.

The dude left my mom when I was born so I never got to meet him. Some days though, I do wish I could have met him to see the type of person that he is/was. His absence did affect me.

I do have a step dad that treats me nothing like his blood children as well. At times, it feels really bad man.. to see all the love that he gives them. Treats me like %%%# too. I guess that extra "love" that i could have had could have turned me into a different person. I'm never abandoning my children

I'd say a 10

Respect fam. Having kids is another opportunity to enjoy the father-son relationship we all never had..

Best thing that ever happened to me. Parents divorced when I was 3. Ain't seen Pops since I was about 10 yrs. old.

Pops was a drug dealing boxer from Red Hook, Brooklyn.

If you know BK, you know Red Hook was NO $+$+$$* JOKE.

Moms put herself through school and worked while raising me with her parents/my grandparents and raised me right.

And I STILL have some of his traits. Went to great schools and have a great job and a beautiful wife, and get in more bar fights than anyone should under those circumstances.

But I never get in TOO much trouble.

No father in my life was a classic case of addition by subtraction.
Hard to answer, my dad passed away when I was two, this made my mother up her game to the thousandth she literally turned into a super woman...the things she has done for me I've never seen anyone do for their kids except in movies....she gave me the best life she possibly could, never re-married, dedicated her life to me, simply incredible story, sometimes I hate to say this, but had my dad not passed away, I don't think I would have the opportunities I've had today...then again who knows, I never had a chance to love him enough to miss him...
im indifferent on the subject.

my mother and family did a great job raising me,

i just don't agree with not being a man of your word.

i told my mom that i'm coming late to his funeral and leaving early.
3 I truely think he made a real attempt but things didnt work out with my mom. She's not the easiest person to get along with. I had a step dad who came in and taught me to tie my shoes and my grandfathers for teaching me to ride a bike and drive a car. Too many variables.
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

you couldn't be there....was all you had to say to meee...�




i was listening to this song the other day and it actually inspired me to make this thread.

anyway good responses everyone seems it effected some and it helped others
^That song makes me wanna call my Pop everytime i hear it
Damn some of ya'll are cold
just because they are/were terrible fathers, doesn't mean you have to be !%$#*@ sons/daughters. 
I would say around a 6. Haven't talked to or seen my father since I was in 3rd grade (currently a sophomore in college). It only hurts me when I'm around my friends and see their functional families.

My dad wasn't/isn't $%$! though. Sold drugs and what not and my mom didn't want me around that kind of environment.

I'm curious to know how this impacts girls raised w/o fathers. As a father myself, I couldn't imagine not being there and seeing my lil girl all the time. Just because you stop being with someone doesn't make that kid disappear
My dad beat up my mom when I was 5, they got divorced and I saw him maybe 2 times a year up until I was 13 and I havent talked to him in 8 years (I'm 21 now). Dude tried to add me on facebook the older day but I denied that +#!@. I have always had a problem with respecting authoritative figures like the police and teachers, maybe he couldve helped me but my mom and older brother did a good job of raising me. My mom has 2 holidays now that I can appreciate her for, mothers day and fathers day. Shes more of a role model than my father ever was.
10 .. Things would be totally different for me, unfortunately i'll never really know how different. I'm good though, my mom held me down for all my years.. props to her, cause i'm amazing
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