Batman: Arkham Origins thread, Cold cold heart DLC April 2014

All this time I thought there was gonna be another batman game after this one lol

My mind was blown for a sec
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God I hate the video game industry. Micro transactions like a MFer and they have the audacity to announce DLC months before the game drops.
Batman: Arkham Origins stars Roger Craig Smith as Batman, Troy Baker as Joker
by Sinan Kubba on May 20th 2013 9:01AM


Warner Bros. announced Batman: Arkham Origins is fronted by two of gaming's most prominent voice actors. Roger Craig Smith is confirmed as the caped crusader, and Troy Baker is his nemesis, the Joker.

If you don't recognize the names, you'll definitely recognize their previous work. Craig Smith's immense portfolio includes Ezio Auditore from Assassin's Creed, Chris Redfield from Resident Evil, and he's the current voice of Sonic. While he's never starred in anything Batman related, he does have superhero experience. It is for the other side, however; he's played Captain America in both games and animations.

Baker is similarly prolific. While he recently graced our screens as Booker DeWitt in BioShock Infinite, his past work includes Sgt. Matt Baker in Gearbox's Brothers in Arms, Snow from the Final Fantasy 13 line, Kai Leng from Mass Effect 3, and Vincent from Catherine. When we profiled Baker around this time last year, he shared his love for all things Batman on the back of starring in Arkham City.

"Being a part of Arkham City was just incredible - because I'm a huge Batman fan," Baker told us, "And to play Two-Face and Robin after growing up watching The Animated Series was a banner moment for me."

The news follows confirmation long-time Batman vocalist Kevin Conroy does star in Origins, but how he features remains to be seen. We know Origins deals with Batman's "initiation into that insane world" of the other Arkham games, so perhaps Conroy's role is something retrospective. Even if Conroy doesn't play the dark knight in any sense in Origins, to fans he's still the goddamn Batman.

So who plays Bats? Anyways, here's the full trailer. Still no gameplay though.

EDIT: Additional screenshots. Sadly, Hamill ain't back as Joker though. Oh, and Anarky seems to be in the game too!

View media item 419407View media item 419409View media item 419410

UPDATE:: "After it was announced that Roger Craig Smith and Troy Baker would be playing the roles of Batman and The Joker respectively in Arkham Origins, fans were wondering what role Conroy would be playing in the prequel. Turns out that he was referring to ANOTHER ARKHAM GAME during his presscon at this year's Dallas Comic Con, and it's something that hasn't been officially announced yet. He announced it in his official Twitter page, but that post has since been deleted."

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Judging from one of the screenshots, I'm assuming that the gameplay would be the same if not somewhat similar to the previous Arkham games.
Nice trailer.

Probably won't pick this up on RD. Will wait 'til the GOTY drops so I can get all the DLC bundled together one time.
Me eyesight's pretty bad but I can somewhat see Deathstroke, Deadshot and Black Mask from that poster.
Me eyesight's pretty bad but I can somewhat see Deathstroke, Deadshot and Black Mask from that poster.

It's a teaser for the villains though Penguin is the only other villain I can see.

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