Batman: Arkham Origins thread, Cold cold heart DLC April 2014

The counters are more difficult because sometimes 2-3 are about to attack you and it only counters one but halfway through it, the other attack goes through so it break the combo/flow.

I do think they took the easy way out for making it challenging by simply giving you a crowd of crazy combinations. Like padded dudes that has guns that you want to take out first but only thing that work is stun then combo but then 2 shielded guy are around and you can't really counter their shield bash. The knife guys are more annoying this time around too, it's so hard to counter away from being shanked.

Despite that, the game is really good and the story feels more engaging even though it is another origins story, it's still cool to go through it.

Boss fights are nice too, some annoying but enjoyable so far.

I do wish there is a way or a menu tab that tells you your objective, sometimes Bats says what you should do next but if you miss, you might be gliding around not knowing what to do. It can be clearer for sure. Map on the game screen would be very helpful too.

I hope there are more side story in the game too, Arkham City lacked that big time. I want more than just getting trophies or files.

It's definitely some side stories , I'm dealing with mad hatter, dead shot, riddler,anarky, and the main story all at the same damb time . Also I've gotten killed by regular thugs in this game than anything before which is crazy to me .
Nothing feels worse than getting killed by regular thugs :lol:

I'm gonna finish the main story then work on side missions. I did a sneak peak at the walk through and it looks like I only have 3 chapters left.
Got 2/3 anarchy missions done. If you guys are in detective mode and see an A on a wall, make sure you scan it for experience points. I missed like 3 because it didn't occur to me to do a scan.

Also, fast points require certain equipment so don't get all flustered if you can't unlock on.
I needed electric gloves and a jammer to unlock one point as an example.
Just finished the Main Story and it is much shorter than I had hoped, much shorter if it wasn't all those thug deaths, still good story though.

Havne't tried online game yet though, is it good to those who has played it? I'll try it maybe next week.
I didn't get this for online so I won't. Probably trade it in when I'm done. Just finished the Copperhead fight. Don't know how much game is left. The story definitely picked up when Joker is introduced.
I haven't bought the game yet but I do plan to get it for the ps3. However, I'm debating whether to get the digital version from the psn store versus buying the retail disc. Since someone previously said that they had some loading issues with this game on the ps3, does anyone know if getting the digital version would be better for this? Or is there no difference?
Never get digital version since you can't trade it in.

Game has some glitches for sure.
Lots of glitches for sure. People I need to interogate couldn't (no interrogate button when get near), doors won't open, stashes being gone, etc... those can be very annoying as some takes a bit of effort and time, taking out the snipers or sneaking behind and looking for a go around, etc...

Hell when I played in the Knightful costume the first time every time I land on the ground it goes through the floor and falls to the water for some reason, I had to restart it.
I agree, get disc so you can resell later.

And with digital, how would you go about playing it for the PS4? Download it all over again?
Just finished main story. Can trade in this week after some free roaming. Gonna go back to arkham city and finish it again.

Had 2 mean glitches in the end.
One was disarming the north bomb for firefly. Fell back from a wall I was supposed to climb over and it wouldn't let me back up. Had to reset.

Right before second bane fight I fought some thugs. Was one left but the game said the fight was over. Walked around looking stupid before I restarted and had the right setup for the cut scene.

Seems like they use heavy thug fights whenever something big is coming up. Was killing my muscles with the button mashing.
:wow: Story definitely picks up around the hotel encounter.
Yeah man, definitely gets better. I thought the story was amazing, really wish
Deathstroke had a bigger role.
I assumed he was going to be the premier enemy, multiple battles. Kind of let down by that.

Man, I've been putting a lot of time into the campaign (completed the Most Wanted list, almost done with the Dark Knight System, about 5 more Anarky locations to spot, etc.) and my save file is only at 49% :x
Finished the main story the other day. I definitely felt it was kind of short. I did some of the side missions as well but it still felt that way.

My only real problem with the game were the glitches. I've never had a game freeze on my Xbox and this game froze 8 times resulting in a loss of data only on the first. The combat glitches were frustrating as well. There were a few times where the ultra stun was attempted but only resulted in Batman standing there. This was awful during a few boss battles.

As others have stated the story definitely picked up at the hotel. Solid game but I still have a lot to finish other than the main story.

Slade and Waller post credit :pimp:
I do wish he was involved more though

Electrocutioner...they could have left him out :rofl:

I did appreciate the shock gloves though :lol:

Bruce's speech to Alfred in the batcave mid-game :pimp:

Most thinking Batman was a myth :pimp:

The cut scenes were great

I loved the story and the Joker as well but I do wish they give some other rogue the primary shine in the next one.
my 2 cents about deathstroke
Don't read if you didn't finish the game.
The ending had a cut scene like it was setting up the next game to feature deathstroke in some kind of role. Could lead up to a spinoff or a batman arkham game featuring him as the main.

Trading my copy in this week.

BestBuy gives $20 + extra $20 for 100% trade in bonus
GameStop gives $30 + extra 30% if you preorder
Amazon gives $30 + $30 towards a ps4 controller

bb and gs give extra 10% on the original trade in if you are a member or whatever.

decisions decisions
Started my New Game+ run, tried completing the Dark Knight System before starting but the game refuses to spawn a crime in progress on Pioneer Bridge (probably should've done that before the Firefly fight). Completed the Worlds Greatest Detective and Shadow Vigilante tracks, one more for Gotham Protector, and 11 more for Worst Nightmare. Datapacks weren't too bad, my biggest fear are those damn campaign/ranked maps :x Hated them in Asylum, hated them in City and I hate them now.
Game was awesome. A very good story and WB Games held their own when compared to the standard Rocksteady left.
Just finished the game this morning and wasn't disappointed with the story at all actually think it's one of the best Batman stories done the cut scenes looked great and had plenty of action.

Really enjoyed the boss battles being more of a brawl with timely uses of gadgets or counter moves instead of always having to throw batterangs at a certain time. Kinda wish the side stories would have been a little longer glad they took out all the plat-forming levels always hated them with the control scheme.

Overall very happy with the game and still have a lot of the riddler data packs to get bummed they didn't have the informants to tell you where they are located like the last game
Anyone think that there will be a
Suicide Squad game? In addition to Deathstroke, Amanda Waller recruits Bronze Tiger and Deadshot in Arkham Origins Blackgate
Just beat the game, I enjoyed the story. But it feels like a glorified DLC. Recycled parts of the map, glitches, and worse graphics, shouldn't have been 60 bucks.
From WB Games

Updates on Major Fixes

Hi all,

During the past week, the Community Team has been well aware that some players have been encountering several issues with their games, some worse than others. We've been monitoring, reading, and gathering all the information from your reports on these issues. For that, we want to sincerely thank everyone who have posted on these forums. By reaching out to us and providing us with this valuable info, the dev teams have been able to test, reproduce, and resolve the majority of these issues.

We know that some of you have experienced frustration when posting on these forums, thinking your posts get lost or ignored and that no one from the team reads them. We can promise you that your posts are being read. We hear your frustration, we understand it, and we are here to find solutions to your issues by gathering the info you provide us, and relaying it to the dev team.

In addressing the issues that have become a top priority to the teams, here is the official statement from the teams of WB Games.


We'd like to sincerely thank everyone who has joined us since the launch of the game. We appreciate the fan support and also want to thank all the people in the field who have sent us their saved games as they have been invaluable in helping us identify the problems.

It has come to our attention that there are issues that are negatively impacting the experience for some players. The team has been working around the clock to review, validate and pinpoint the problems that have been reported and we have identified three main issues which we are tackling first, and are listed below. For these issues, we expect the software update to be available within the next week. Rest assured, we are continuing to monitor all channels for other issues that players are experiencing and will release additional updates as they become available.

1) Infinite Falling/Falling Out Of World – All platforms

Some players have been stuck in an endless loop of falling, making it impossible to complete certain missions and progress through the single-player campaign. We believe we have identified the issue and are currently testing the software update, which will push most players back to their previous save so that they will not be stuck in an infinite loop.

2) Unable To Continue Story – All Platforms

Some players can see their story progress in the main menu, but once they choose the story slot they don’t see an option to “Continue” and only “New Game” shows up. This issue should be resolved and the “Continue” option will once again be available.

3) FreeFlow Focus mode not unlocking upon reaching “Shadow Vigilante” rank 3 will be fixed – All Platforms

Specific to the PC, an update that addresses the above issues, as well as the following, recently went live:

1) Fix for progression blocker keeping some players from navigating through the vent in the Burnley tower.

We have not yet solved the following rare issues and are continuing to investigate.

1) Corrupted Saves – Xbox 360 only

Players have reported losing their saved game to data corruption. Specifically, when you try to choose a story slot to continue, it says “Corrupted” and if you select it, an error message appears which says, “The save is corrupt. Please delete it.” We believe we know what is causing this and need a few more days to validate before pushing a patch through.

2) Ongoing Crashing/Freezing Issues – Xbox 360 only

Players have reported recurring crashing and freezing while playing the game. We have been working hard to track down and resolve the problem as quickly as possible. We believe we know what is causing these issues and need a few more days to validate before pushing this patch through. In the meantime, some players have managed to avoid the freezing by disconnecting their console from the Internet while playing.

NOTE: Your console or PC must be connected to the Internet in order to receive any updates. When connected, the updates will be automatically applied when you start up the game while connected to PlayStation Network, Xbox Live or Steam.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you all for your patience as we work to resolve the issues."
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