Originally Posted by
Not at all, I ain't fairly new to the BF franchise.
I used to be on BF1942 (the 1st one in the series??) heavy. I also have both BFBC and BFBC2, played it for a good amount of time, not as much as COD titles, but a good amount. So I'm familiar with the game modes.
I don't think the controls are exactly like BFBC2 at all. BFBC2 had that momentum sway, like you couldn't really turn/strafe on a dime. That might have been more realistic, but I didn't like that. BF3 controls are on point, none of that momentum sway. Only problem I had was getting stuck trying to get over certain boxes, stairs, steps, etc... and the prone bobbling, which probably will get fixed.
Pistols are the truth in this game! I may end up using pistols more than primary's cause I can kill people easier with them for some reason. The glock 17
I gotta find away to take that laser sight off though.
I can already tell I'm gonna be dicken around with the cars (not tanks) and planes a lot. Drive-bys, fly-bys, tricks.
Didnt even know that .. My bad g...
The control layouts are the same as BC2... I think the only differnce between BF3 & BC2 controls is the sensitivity.. The default sensitivity is much much higher than it was in BC2... I had to turn it down... Idk if that hasto do with the controls being a bit "tighter"... but the gist of it feels fairly they same. It does have momentum sway, you notice it when u pull out ur pistol & just turn left or right... Its not as noticeable though cause it feels "tighter" than it did in Bc2. But yes the controls are improved from BC2. Which is a plus .. It moves fairly fluently... Not CoD fluently though... But thats ok ...
Zk1 - DEF trade them in...
Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21
Its a beta bruh.. Bugs & Glitches are expected.
Fooo, you don't think I know that?
I'm just speaking my piece in reply to your piece. You're seeing "phenomenal," I'm not seeing "phenomenal." Simple as that.
So youre taking away how nice the game looks cause of the way it preforms? I dont understand?