Battlefield is all about team work, team play, but if your team is @#**$$* trash, you WILL LOSE. I'm tired of this uneven team crap, every game I play I'm the highest rank (13), next highest is 4 or 5, but the other team is STACKED. Dudes are 20, 15, 16, 12, 11, 14, +%$ DICE?!
I really don't care about having the most kills in a game like BF, since its about team work and you want the W, so going 25 and 11 or 22 and 9 is great but now with a %%%%%+% L. I just wasted 20 mins of my life and copped an L in return.
When you try to leave your team/squad it tells you "if you leave the game will be unbalanced", $+#+$+!$#*!@ the game was unbalanced at the start of the match, %#*+ you! Fix your matchmaking. This is the same %#*+$%#% that happen in BF:BC2, match making was completely LOPSIDED.