Battlefield: 3 -Official Thread- Be Advised: We are Mission Launch -

Originally Posted by Sneaky

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21


M4A1 Carbine

Reflex Sight


Tactical Flashlight / Flash Suppressor 

SMAW Rocket Launcher

Extra Ammo

And of course.. the Repair Tool 
.. Useless in Op Metro... 
What you use for the other side? Ak?

I'm a level 8 after playing for about an hour and a half
Yup ... The 74u.... Im probably missing out cause all i use is the Engineer kit . I have 2 M4A1 Servicemen Medals 
 .... Going to start using the Assault kit more often just to switch it up after i get my 3rd Servicemen Medal for the M4A1... I only use support when i want to use the UMP.. I havent touched the Recon kit..
Also, Semi Auto Snipers NEED to be nerfed... Seriously.. like i swear to gah they better be for the Final game.... 
... Thats all everyone does.. Its still just as bad as BC2... If not worse cause does can spary with that %%%%... and its a 2hit kill max. People sitting in corners using it a a shotgun & $%$# too 

Anyways... 3Hrs played on the 360 today..Rank 15. Not bad

Ill be on tmw & all weekend so yeah
Played 3 rounds or so, really enjoying it so far. Getting the hang of the BF guns again took a little bit.
Just came home from work a while ago. Downloading the BF3 Beta!

I'll be on tomorrow for sure. What time is everyone free?


I got into Caspian Border!

Basically everything that was in the trailer happened in the match. It's pure chaos. First match I played was 48 players. It ran smooth. I tried to mess around with everything. Captured a few points. I hopped in a tank and tried to blow up the supports on the antenna, but they wouldn't budge. Then I switched to the tank gunner and me and this dude did some damage. We had an engineer with us repairing the tank while we defended a point. The second round was 64 players and it got laggy after a few minutes. I managed to hop in a jet, but got shot down pretty quickly. Then I left because it was too laggy.
Originally Posted by derrty6232

I can't have both my PSN and XBGT tied to my one battlelog account?
You can. My PS3 and PC Battlelog accounts are linked. Although I did make an EA global account prior to making an Origin account for PC, though.
TODAY KILLED 100 troopers 




with G18

unstoppable , everyone running backward scared 
My first battlefield game and man, I really like it. But I'm completely trash at this so far.
I keep going like 6-15.
I played my first game & I cannot even tell who the enemy is!

Dude's just shot me straight in my face, who I thought were my teammates?!?

^ I Team Killed some/got Team Killed by a few teammates earlier as well.

Is Friendly Fire "ON" on PS3 as well?
Not a bad game. Definitely fun to play.

It took little time to adjust to type of game BF3 is compared to MW.
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Also, Semi Auto Snipers NEED to be nerfed... Seriously.. like i swear to gah they better be for the Final game.... 
... Thats all everyone does.. Its still just as bad as BC2... If not worse cause does can spary with that %%%%... and its a 2hit kill max. People sitting in corners using it a a shotgun & $%$# too 

THIS! Literally i think this is the only way i have died. Kids sitting back picking me off with the semi auto snipe.
Off to classes 

Ill be on around 1:30 CST ... Most likely on the 360 to do some more ranking up & unlock more things... Going to switch on and off between both like i did yesterday though... 
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