Battlefield: 3 -Official Thread- Be Advised: We are Mission Launch -

Multiplayer is far from perfect as of this point. game still glitches sometimes. Artifacts? (GPU is running at 58 degrees C on full load though). Last match I had froze. AND NO VOICE CHAT FOR PC PLAYERS?!
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Multiplayer is far from perfect as of this point. game still glitches sometimes. Artifacts? (GPU is running at 58 degrees C on full load though). Last match I had froze. AND NO VOICE CHAT FOR PC PLAYERS?!
I ran a couple games with you.  Got in the same squad once.
  I'm BoomBox150 btw.  I was never added to the OP.

Game is very nice on pc at full Ultra.  I can only run Ultra settings when I'm using one monitor though.  When I use all 3 I use the Auto settings and that has some High and some Ultra.  I'm getting 30 FPS when running Eyefinity too.  I'll be back on later this evening.  I'll post some Eyefinity screen shots.  The extended field of view is definitely an advantage. 
Originally Posted by SneakerReaper

Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Multiplayer is far from perfect as of this point. game still glitches sometimes. Artifacts? (GPU is running at 58 degrees C on full load though). Last match I had froze. AND NO VOICE CHAT FOR PC PLAYERS?!
I ran a couple games with you.  Got in the same squad once.
  I'm BoomBox150 btw.  I was never added to the OP.

Game is very nice on pc at full Ultra.  I can only run Ultra settings when I'm using one monitor though.  When I use all 3 I use the Auto settings and that has some High and some Ultra.  I'm getting 30 FPS when running Eyefinity too.  I'll be back on later this evening.  I'll post some Eyefinity screen shots.  The extended field of view is definitely an advantage. 
Yeah, I saw you on Caspian Border. Trying out all the maps... and getting murked in the process. 
Spoiler [+]
They took out the tower ladder on Caspian, though. What gives? Also, I crashed my jet head-on with the tower. Didn't collapse.
I just turned off V-Sync and HBAO, it runs fine now. 
Originally Posted by Sneaky

So.... hows the MP on console?
I like it. I suck at shooting becuz the maps r so big but it looks sweet and plays good. To me at least. I'm no battlefield expert but coming from COD, I'm impressed. You definitely want to play with ppl you kno tho. 
Im definitely looking for ppl to add me to their squad. Im a team player.

GT: SAG1213
Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

If youre  on Live and got a mic quote you're gamertag so i can add.

In sig, be on around 9pm for anyone else trying to run a couple games tonight
Originally Posted by SneakerReaper

Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Multiplayer is far from perfect as of this point. game still glitches sometimes. Artifacts? (GPU is running at 58 degrees C on full load though). Last match I had froze. AND NO VOICE CHAT FOR PC PLAYERS?!
I ran a couple games with you.  Got in the same squad once.
  I'm BoomBox150 btw.  I was never added to the OP.

Game is very nice on pc at full Ultra.  I can only run Ultra settings when I'm using one monitor though.  When I use all 3 I use the Auto settings and that has some High and some Ultra.  I'm getting 30 FPS when running Eyefinity too.  I'll be back on later this evening.  I'll post some Eyefinity screen shots.  The extended field of view is definitely an advantage. 

oh man i envy that you can play in eyefinity i dont know how you can do it

i know that *!+% must look so nice

imma about to jump in and play some right now i finally got it DLed after 6 hours of DLing
just started the campaign, the beginning to the first mission is pretty sweet
Got my copy with the $30 off coupon from buying Batman AC at KMart, and today got an extra $20 off next gaming purchase.

Will play tonight
last game was trash. deff not falling for the hype this time around
Originally Posted by Hugo

last game was trash. deff not falling for the hype this time around

Battlefield 3 is a PC port of battlefield. The past battlefields for console are nothing like it.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Went to my battlelog and even our platoon was gone... Do we have to start a new one? If so i can do it, at work on lunch. Slow day in the office.[/color]
Originally Posted by SinnerP

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by SinnerP

JPN doesn't get it till Nov. I think...
Doko ni sumu?
Lol, I have no idea what that means... 

I guess you didn't pick-up on my reply... 

中國人 = Chinese 

oh, I asked where you live. That 2nd character is different in Japanese but also very close. I was thinking you were Chinese but not sure.

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