Battlefield: 3 -Official Thread- Be Advised: We are Mission Launch -

reserved my copy for 360
ReUploaded Video from the 360 SinglePlayer Mission Leaks- The only mission that matters, The JET Mission 

Better watch while you can...
BF3 Community Manager (@Crash7800) for EA responds to X360 Leaks on reddit
Hey Guys - figured I'd better weigh in here.

So, first of all (and some of this has been covered) this is an old build and is definitely not representative of the final game. In fact, this is not even reflective of the HD capabilities of the platform.

Glad to see that you're all excited, but honestly this is probably doing more harm than serving "the greater good". People that see these videos and captures might not take the time to understand or appreciate the source and quality issues that using a dev build presents.

I'm getting bombarded with people asking me if this is what they should expect from their console copy of BF3, which, of course, it's not. So, the EA, DICE teams and myself are working to address these concerns instead of working on other things that you guys would probably appreciate more.

I understand that you're excited, but there is a reason, and a very good one, why we don't circulate this kind of stuff publicly.

PS - Not cool, bro. I've been up all night @_@

EDIT: I appreciate that there are lots of you that are still excited for the game and that this didn't make a negative impact on. I'm not surprised - the Reddit/battlefield3 community is one of the best and most informed online - always a pleasure to work with you guys

What I'm concerned about are people that stumble across this on YouTube or other sites where the context might not be in place. I think we can agree that without an explanation of what we're looking at, this isn't the best foot we could put forward.
Originally Posted by i3allistic

Steelbook looks nice. Too bad they cancelled that in our Pre-Order in favor of Battlefield 3 T-Shirts.
I just hope they have a US Large size one for me. Asian sizing sucks.
what the...

Anyway, I'm considering forgoing my purchase of a 2011 MacBook Air in favor of building a PC gaming rig. I might pre-order a PC copy of Battlefield 3 as well.

Quick question: What are the basic specs do I need to run Battlefield 3 at max settings?

I'm looking at an i7 processor and a NVidia GTX 560 Ti graphics card with 8GB RAM. Looking to hook this up with a HT Omega Striker 7.1 sound card (which the Astro dudes recommend so I can use my Astro A40 Wireless Audio System with the setup) as well. Although if I find a motherboard that supports Dolby Digital Live with optical audio out, that would work as well. Not just sure if the HT Omega Striker is available locally in the PI, though. Might have it shipped over here from newegg.

I haven't built a PC in a while so everything is quite new to me these days.
Thanks in advance. I appreciate the help.
Definitely thought you were about to ask if you could run BF3 on a Macbook Air lol. I don't believe they've released official system reqs yet but they've said it'll be similar to BC2. I'd say look at the reqs for that game and bump up the requirements a little.
yeah... that's what i've been reading so far.

after all these game tradeshows this year... I'm surpriesed that nobody ever thought about looking under the hood of the PCs DICE is using to demo the game. That would be at least the minimum recommended setup, ain't it?
Is my late 09 iMac with 3.06ghz processor 4gb ram and nVidia GeForce 9400M graphics card good enough to run BF3 through winodws 7 ultimate 64bit ?

[h1]Battlefield 3 will ship on two Xbox 360 discs[/h1]
1 hour ago - 12:45 PM on 09.13.2011   |   Jim Sterling

Electronic Arts has confirmed that Battlefield 3 will ship on two DVDs when released for the Xbox 360 -- one disc will house the game's co-op levels and multiplayer mode, while the other will feature the "superb" single-player campaign.

The game is a huge beast, but it's not too big for Blu-ray, with the PS3 version requiring only a single disc. 

News like this should hardly come as a shock to gamers anymore, as the biggest titles have all started to outgrow DVDs. To some people, this is a big deal, but even someone as fat and lazy as I am doesn't have a problem switching discs. Not really a major issue for me.

This is the part where I'd boast about getting it on PC anyway, but with EA's mandatory sh*tware being included, I'm not sure that's braggable anymore.

from Destructoid
played last night with a good team and squad. ran a 6 game win streak. it's sucks though since the other team is fairly new and they got stuck at their spawning area while playing rush.

in regards of sniping yea it sucks when you have more than 3 sniping for the whole team let alone having 5+. not going to lie i play scout on big maps like harvest.

where is the list who's currently playing BFBC2?
Yo i might cancel my MW3 predorder
& PreOrder another copy of BF3 for the PS3 since i already have it preorder for the 360 @ Gamestop but i might do the PS3 one @ BestBuy to get that Spectact kit

I dont even think there is a bouns(es) for preordering MW3 anyways 
While I understand letting people choose the way they want to play I think EA should put a cap on how many players can be snipers, medics, etc. I don't care for playing with 64 people and having 15 of them playing sniper.
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

in regards of sniping yea it sucks when you have more than 3 sniping for the whole team let alone having 5+. not going to lie i play scout on big maps like harvest.

where is the list who's currently playing BFBC2?
i play with a couple friends and we run as a three man squad. one of them usually plays recon, but plays like a sniper most of the time. he's really good at sniping(good at FPSs in general), but trying to take m-com stations with 2 people stresses me out. it's still doable with 2, but if we both die we gotta respawn all the way back where the sniper hangs back. long @#+ walk.

 and when he stays back to camp for the UAV?

he gets hella mad when we tell him to step his squad score up, but when he changes classes or throws us some mortar strikes- it's usually a wrap. we usually end up going after mcom stations as a team with 40-50 tickets left.

we're on 360 and our squad is joinable, just don't play like a sniper if you see someone already playing like one. my gt is jae 0h en.
K.M. - General Manager for Game Devoloper DICE responds to BF3 X360 leaks
Over the weekend, developer build footage of Battlefield 3 on Xbox 360 was splashed onto the internet. EA subsequently yanked it down.

DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson told Eurogamer this afternoon that this wasn't how he wanted people to experience Battlefield 3.

"As people have probably noticed, when we show our games - we are very proud of what we're doing - we always want to show it in the best light. We want to show the product as good as possible."

"Watching the game in crappy 320x200 resolution on YouTube is not the way that we want people to experience the game."

"We'd rather have them wait for us to show it in its real HD glory," he said. "There are a lot of hard hours that have gone into this from the team, and naturally we're disappointed. But, yeah, things happen."

The leak raised questions about why DICE hasn't yet released proper video fotoage or screenshots of Battlefield 3 on console - besides the off-screeen footage seen on US chat show Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and on-stage at the EA Gamescom press conference. 

"I understand you mostly see PC footage. It's all part of what kind of strategy we use for what we want to show and when, and what the lead platform is," explained Troedsson.

"People shouldn't worry. We play the 360 and the PS3 version every day in the office. I don't expect people to be disappointed by this."

"We always want to show a platform that we have chosen to be our lead platform. In this case we did choose PC as the lead platform; it's the one that has been, mostly, driving development forward. That is the reason why we have spearheaded a lot of the key assets with this as well.

"We'll show this on console as well," he added, "and when the beta goes live people will be able to play it on console and they can make up their minds for themselves if they believe we've been hiding something.

"The PC was picked as lead platform, Troedsson explained, to build "unique" features "we felt we really needed in the game". Things like 64-player multiplayer, which is "not possible" on console when combined with aspects "like destruction, like scale, vehicles and this kind of thing".

"I have to say that this discussion is a bit over the top because people don't understand that the PC is more powerful than a console - they haven't looked under the hood and in detail," Troedsson elaborated.

"What we're really striving to do with Battlefield 3 is make the most out of each and every platform. And that also means between PlayStation 3 and 360, because they're quite different under the hood. So we've been spending a lot of time with all of these.

DICE recently revealed how Battlefield 3 uses near imperceptible black lines to fill the screen and fit a native 720p resolution on console. This allows DICE to save memory and boost performance.

What DICE won't do on console, however, is scrap jets."No, that's not true," said Troedsson. "If you play on console you will be able to play with jets as well."
Originally Posted by jae oh en

Originally Posted by ricerocket1

in regards of sniping yea it sucks when you have more than 3 sniping for the whole team let alone having 5+. not going to lie i play scout on big maps like harvest.

where is the list who's currently playing BFBC2?
i play with a couple friends and we run as a three man squad. one of them usually plays recon, but plays like a sniper most of the time. he's really good at sniping(good at FPSs in general), but trying to take m-com stations with 2 people stresses me out. it's still doable with 2, but if we both die we gotta respawn all the way back where the sniper hangs back. long @#+ walk.

 and when he stays back to camp for the UAV?

he gets hella mad when we tell him to step his squad score up, but when he changes classes or throws us some mortar strikes- it's usually a wrap. we usually end up going after mcom stations as a team with 40-50 tickets left.

we're on 360 and our squad is joinable, just don't play like a sniper if you see someone already playing like one. my gt is jae 0h en.
Most people that play RECON forget they have motion mines , motion mines arent grenades hahahahahaahahha
^yeah. when he plays the class like it's supposed to be played, it's way easier. dude just wants to get his headshot points with the sniper rifle before helping us win the round.
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

where is the list who's currently playing BFBC2?

Yeah if we could get a list for who's playing BC2/getting BF3 for PC, Xbox, or PS3 that'd be great.
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