Battlefield 4: The Thread

Its gonna take some getting used to. It's not as fast, arcade style as cod, IMO

But yes.
CoD has the same style over and over again, it's just not fun anymore. BF looks more realistic and looks like it utilizes strategies, which is something I really like.
CoD has the same style over and over again, it's just not fun anymore. BF looks more realistic and looks like it utilizes strategies, which is something I really like.

I'd say CoD is easier to pick up than Battlefield, so it's easier to hop on and get running right away (small maps help, too).

Battlefield is really just fun when you get the whole team (well, most of the team :lol:) working together.

And the guns sound better. No "pew-pew" here. :lol:

Have to admit, jets need some work (it's no Ace Combat).
For Battlefield PC folk, the Beta is up for preload. :smokn

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What time does it start for you? It says 1 October 1600H on mine. Not sure if it's local time (or GMT or CET). :nerd:
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Haven't touched my xbox in months but I will when this beta starts. Time management is gonna be a motha between work, school and studying for the GRE.
Man.. I still have to beat GTA V. Then I HAVE to play the GTA MP.

But I want to try the Beta... But its on the same day plus i have to manage uni HW and a GF. Plus Hockey starts soon...FFFFFFFUUUUUUUU
CoD has the same style over and over again, it's just not fun anymore. BF looks more realistic and looks like it utilizes strategies, which is something I really like.

I'd say CoD is easier to pick up than Battlefield, so it's easier to hop on and get running right away (small maps help, too).

Battlefield is really just fun when you get the whole team (well, most of the team :lol:) working together.

And the guns sound better. No "pew-pew" here. :lol:

Have to admit, jets need some work (it's no Ace Combat).

cod vet checking in...battlefield DEF took time to get used to. recoil is serious in the game with any gun. its harder to aim and kill/get headshots, but not impossible. sniping is pretty much real life compared to cod. and no1 is racking up OD kills in a cod timed match.

the game is different also because it really emphasizes teamwork, especially hardcore conquest modes. running and gunning will get u dropped with the quickness. but it makes for a more rewarding experience (unless your team is losing)

spawn kills are more common. the graphics are booty compared to PC version. 360 really can't handle that game imo..

cod feels a bit weird after playing bf3 for a while. if u don't have 3 just wait for 4. its just an improved version. and buy it for PC or nex gen consoles.

all i have for now, just my 2 cents.
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cod vet checking in...battlefield DEF took time to get used to. recoil is serious in the game with any gun. its harder to aim and kill/get headshots, but not impossible. sniping is pretty much real life compared to cod. and no1 is racking up OD kills in a cod timed match.

the game is different also because it really emphasizes teamwork, especially hardcore conquest modes. running and gunning will get u dropped with the quickness. but it makes for a more rewarding experience (unless your team is losing)

spawn kills are more common. the graphics are booty compared to PC version. 360 really can't handle that game imo..

cod feels a bit weird after playing bf3 for a while. if u don't have 3 just wait for 4. its just an improved version. and buy it for PC or nex gen consoles.

all i have for now, just my 2 cents.
Shut up, and TAKE MY MONEY RIGHT NOW! :pimp:
can't wait!!! i'm gonna really take some time and learn how to fly jets, copters, ect.

i'm fairly decent at battlefield but never learn how to fly lol
Not bad... but it isn't as next-gen as I had anticipated. It's more like Battlefield 3.5, IMO. Graphics improved, but not by much. Feels much smoother and solid.

And you can bring down the skyscraper by yourself, apparently. :lol:
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I finally finished my first game after getting dropped from servers all of yesterday. I'm not really a fan of the demo as far as gameplay goes. Hopefully other game modes will change that.
Beta runs like poo on my PC. Just gonna purchase this for the PS4 and upgrade my PC in time for BF5.
Been playing on 360 and it's ok so far. Loved bf3 and was a 100 colonel on there but this one is so different. The buttons have changed a lot, passing on the 360 version and getting it for ps4 for sure.
Ive seen vid of the beta on the 360 .. and man does it look watered down a TON!

I might just hold off on playing i entirely til it comes out for next gen
Ive seen vid of the beta on the 360 .. and man does it look watered down a TON!

I might just hold off on playing i entirely til it comes out for next gen
Exactly what I'm doing fam.. GTA will hold me over til I get the PS4 and BF4
Ive been playing the beta on PC and too me it feels like a slight update to BF3 in terms of graphics. I hope they change the mechanics behind the skyscraper because I don't like the fact that once it starts to fall you instantly die. I would like to be able to run and jump off the building.

To the people playing on consoles I kinda feel bad for you because you don't get to experience BF at its fullest.
Ive been playing the beta on PC and too me it feels like a slight update to BF3 in terms of graphics. I hope they change the mechanics behind the skyscraper because I don't like the fact that once it starts to fall you instantly die. I would like to be able to run and jump off the building.

To the people playing on consoles I kinda feel bad for you because you don't get to experience BF at its fullest.

Yeah, wish we had the opportunity to at least free-fall or try to escape. I get a kick out of knocking down the building when the enemy just captured it, though. They have no idea. :lol:
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Yeah, wish we had the opportunity to at least free-fall or try to escape. I get a kick out of knocking down the building when the enemy just captured it, though. They have no idea.
I just played a few matches and I just realized that an alarm plays a few seconds before it falls. I was able to run from the middle of the building to the left side and jump off successfully.
Oh cool. Have just been killed once, though. I was in the middle of the lobby... no way was I going to have enough time to run out! :lol:
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